Install Directory / Port issue

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Install Directory / Port issue

Post by Broken »

I am trying out CMS Made Simple for the first time, and have installed on my local machine.
I am running MAMP 3.2 (PHP 7, and MySQL 5.5.41)

I install just fine (though I note I needed to change my SQL port to 3306) but my issue is this. Now that I have everything installed, I can navigate my browser to "http://localhost:8888/cmsmadesimple/" (where I made the folder cmsmadesimple as the location of my test data) and the basic site loads.

If I want to log in as the admin, it tries to take me to "http://localhost/cmsmadesimple/admin/login.php". Note, that it sends me to localhost without the port number so it doesn't load.
If I manually adjust the address to include the port number, I do get the log in screen, but upon trying to submit it always defaults me back to the url without the port # so I can't actually log in.

This seems like a simple setting somewhere, but I have failed to find where I could alter this.

Any help is much appreciated!
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Re: Install Directory / Port issue

Post by velden »

You could add the fixed admin url to config.php:

Code: Select all

$config['root_url'] = 'http://localhost:8888/cmsmadesimple/admin';
Description: A url to specify a web accessible url to the CMSMS admin console
Status: Optional
Type: String
Default Value: $config['root_url'].'/'.$config['admin_dir']
or for both admin and frontend:

Code: Select all

$config['root_url'] = 'http://localhost:8888/cmsmadesimple';
Description: Specify the normal (insecure) URL to the top of your website.
Status: Recommended
Type: String
Accepted Values: The valid fully qualified URL to the home page of the website.
Default Value Determined Automatically from server variables.
With regards to the database port:

read the /doc/CMSMS_config_reference.pdf file for a full reference of the config options. db_port is mentioned there too.
If you choose for the option 'Advanced install' (or something like that) during installation of CMSMS you should have the option to set the database port in one of the steps.

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