CGSmartImage: image color balances change when resizing

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CGSmartImage: image color balances change when resizing

Post by severtki »

I've searched for others with this issue but haven't found anyone reporting this:

When I upload images and they are processed by CGSmartImage, the color balance or saturation often changes. Sometimes the colors are much more saturated and sometimes the colors are noticeably muted.

Two places I've noticed this happening:
- upload a large image to Gallery (option "Resize images to the following maximum size during upload:" is set and image is larger than this designated size). The thumbnail retains proper balance, but the resized image file's color balance becomes strongly oversaturated with a red tinge (I can look directly at the uploaded files in /uploads/images/Gallery/ to see that the color balance has been strongly affected in the resized main file):
oversaturated colors
oversaturated colors
- upload an image to CGBlog entry (browse for image and upload), and the image's colors become very muted (LH image is displayed; RH image is original). In this case, the original file is unaffected (located in /uploads/cgblog/) but coloration is affected in this call:
{CGSmartImage notag="1" src1=$path src2=$image filter_croptofit="400,250,c"}
muted colors
muted colors
I'm not seeing any CGSmartImage calls that include any filtering that would affect coloration -- it is only sizing of images. Anyone have any ideas why this might be happening or ideas for further troubleshooting?


Cms Version: 2.1.2

Installed Modules:

AdminSearch: 1.0
CGBlog: 1.13.3
CGExtensions: 1.52.2
CGFeedMaker: 1.0.20
CGGoogleMaps2: 0.99.3
CGSimpleSmarty: 2.0.5
CGSmartImage: 1.21
CMSContentManager: 1.1
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Captcha: 0.5.2
DesignManager: 1.1.1
FileManager: 1.5.2
Gallery: 2.1.3
JQueryTools: 1.3.8
MenuManager: 1.50.2
MicroTiny: 2.0.3
ModuleManager: 2.0.2
Navigator: 1.0.2
News: 2.50.4
Search: 1.50.2
TinyMCE: 3.1.2
avplayer: 1.3.2
Last edited by severtki on Mon Apr 11, 2016 10:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: CGSmartImage: image color balances change when resizing

Post by severtki »

For the tl;dr folks, you can see this in action on a test page here, with three different calls to CGSmartImage:
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Re: CGSmartImage: image color balances change when resizing

Post by PinkElephant »

severtki wrote:Sometimes the colors are much more saturated and sometimes the colors are noticeably muted.
Just looking at uploads/opscene.jpg I'm guessing there's something odd about the source files; under Win10, Firefox & Chrome render a redish colourful version but under Irfanview it's dull. More usefully, PaintShopPro issues a warning...

Code: Select all

Color profile mismatch
The document's colors were converted to the working space. 
Embedded: ProPhotoRGB
Working: sRGB Color Space Profile.icm
... before loading a colourful version with a reduced color count (52,758).

So, at a guess, your server's image processing library is applying a default colour profile when it's creating output.
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[SOLVED] Re: CGSmartImage: image color balances change when

Post by severtki »

Thanks, PinkElephant! Makes total sense now that you pointed me in the right direction. I've written to the photographer who provides these images to see what he has to say about the color profiles in his images, as I wasn't previously aware there were such things in JPGs.

For any others reading this, I went into Photoshop / Edit / Color Settings and enabled two checkboxes to warn about Profile Mismatches and Missing Profiles. Now when I open the images with this problem, I am prompted there is a mismatch and it allows me to convert the document's colors to the working space.

That seems to solve the problem when the image is run through CGSmartImage.

Thanks again for the quick response!

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