Problem with creating users with FEU from within admin

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Problem with creating users with FEU from within admin

Post by blackhawk »

Hi. I am running Windows 7 enterprise with Service Pack 1 and 64-bit OS. The localhost environment is running in IIS, version Within my IIS virtual directory, I'm running CMS Made Simple 1.12, which is using PHP 5.6.0 and MySQL 5.6.25

Here's a list of all the modules installed in my CMSMS test site:

CGExtensions 1.48.5
CGSimpleSmarty 1.9.1
CMSMailer 5.2.2
CMSPrinting 1.0.5
FileManager 1.4.5
FrontEndUsers 1.29
MenuManager 1.8.6
MicroTiny 1.2.9
ModuleManager 1.5.8
News 2.15.1
Search 1.7.12
ThemeManager 1.1.8

The problem appears to be involving a specific module, the Front End Users Module. After having all these modules properly installed / displayed under my Modules window, here are steps I took to generate the problem:

1. I went into Users and Groups -> Front End User Management

2. I created 2 properties. One called "Full Name" as a text field, and another called "Gender" as a Dropdown, with options for either Male, Female.

3. I then created a group called "ecommerce", and assigned both my properties as "optional" to this group.

4. I then attempted to create a user. I clicked the "add user" button.

5. I then placed an email and password into the required input fields for this new user.

6. I then clicked "Next" at the bottom of the page

7. On the next page, the screen is asking me to put in a Full Name for this new user. I did that. I then provided a Gender.

8. When I click Submit, I get a red text statement on the same page that says "Field 'password' doesn't have a default value".

The page will not progress beyond this point. I cannot create a new user. Did I miss any steps which would be causing this statement to occur?

Last edited by blackhawk on Mon Jul 13, 2015 11:49 am, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: CMSMS 1.12 breaksdown with Products 2.24.1

Post by Dr.CSS »

That is certainly not enuf info to help anyone, unless you were just letting us know what's going on with your site... ... =40&t=2661
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Re: CMSMS 1.12 breaksdown with Products 2.24.1

Post by blackhawk »

Dr.CSS, I just updated my original post to help track down the issue I was facing earlier, which was too broad and not test properly on my end. I did a 2nd clean installation and was able to pin-point my issue. Please read my original post again which now has detailed info / steps taken to deal with my issue.

Thanks for any feedback!

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