Recently modified pages list in admin Content -> Pages

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Re: Recently modified pages list in admin Content -> Pages

Post by M@rtijn »


We definitly appriciate your constructive critism. It's always good to see that people not only use the product, but also think about how that product could be improved.

In regards to the layout of the website: I think we have a very good marketing specialist in Anne Mieke and ofcourse our team knows what direction they want to product to go. Very recently (I believe less then a year ago) the team looked at how it was, what could be improved and an expert made the new, current design.
As I said before, people will always have different tastes. It would be next to impossible to make everybody 100% happy, but we do our best to listen to our users. In the end this is just one of those things where the team decides what is going to be the way to go.

In regards to modules, the Forge and a 'sponsor-a-feature'-featureTM, I can tell you that there are briliant things on their way. When it's time, you will read all about it ;D
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Re: Recently modified pages list in admin Content -> Pages

Post by applejack »

Hi M@rtijn

Glad you take that way as I am only trying to make CMSMS better and happy to contribute if I can. The re-design I think was done at least a couple of years ago and is certainly and improvement from before, I just think it could be better. I had been thinking of emailing all the devs with the suggestion of me doing a redesign and how this could be done etc etc or a competition where anyone could submit their ideas.

At the moment I am quite busy but if this is something which may be of interest then I am quite happy to discuss it and go through the details / specification etc.

Anyway sounds very interesting as to what is up and coming. I look forward to hearing about it.
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Re: Recently modified pages list in admin Content -> Pages

Post by M@rtijn »

I am sorry to have to put it like this, but this has turned into a very off-topic discusion, which we will not continue.
No, we do not want the design of our website to be a community driven effort. We have our own marketing specialists and design guru's. I'm going to have to keep repeating that we can't always make everybody 100% happy with everything and it is our task to weigh the importance and collective interest of ideas.

We appriciate and applaud contributions, but in the end the team decides what it is going to be. In this case the team has no plans to change the frontpage in the near future. Furthermore, we do not want a competition about this subject.

I'm going to close this topic, as this discusion has nothing to do with the original subject of the topic.

I can ony repeat that some exciting features are on it's way and we will keep our community updated on the progress of our lovely CMSms!
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