Footer image in menu, content etc...

For discussion and questions related to CMS Specific templates and stylesheets (CSS), and themes. or layout issues. This is not a place for generic "I don't know CSS issues"

Footer image in menu, content etc...

Post by mustis »

Hov can I sett a image to be shown at the bottom of the meny, content etc...
I have one picture to show the bg and need one to show the footer.

Re: Footer image in menu, content etc...

Post by westis »

If you want to change the footer of the default templates and you're using CMSMS 0.11, find the code for the footer in the HTML Blob called footer. Then edit that like you edit the content, that is insert an image like you insert an image in the content for a page.

Or you can set a background image for the footer div in the stylesheet. If you're using the default templates the footer is in a div with the id footer (as you can see in the template). Then set the background image for #footer in your stylesheet.

You can read about the default templates in the documentation.

Re: Footer image in menu, content etc...

Post by mustis »

Thanks, but this is not what I wanted.
I wanted to have one footer for the menu, and one for the content etc...

Anyway I have worked it out my self..

Thanks anyway..


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