Image Editor not displaying images

A place to discuss the testing process in beta cycles or against SVN for the CMS Made Simple CORE package.

Image Editor not displaying images

Post by shade »

Hello everybody,

after a long, long search for a CMS that could satisfy my needs I got here.
I must admit that CMS is indeed simple and yet powerful, so I made it my choice.

It seems that the image editor has an issue displaying images. Please insert this in your bug list.


[attachment deleted by admin]

Re: Image Editor not displaying images

Post by shade »


it looks like there is a line of code probably left behind from some test in the method getFiles of class ImageManager that is printing out a slash inside the image editor.
The line of code is the following:

echo ''.$path.'';


Re: Image Editor not displaying images

Post by shade »

I found where resides the issue that causes images not to be displayed. Inside file images.php in method drawFile change the following line of code:

config['base_url']}{$file['relative']}";?>" TARGET="_blank" title=" - ">getThumbnail($file['relative']); ?>" alt=" - "/>

with this one:

config['base_url']}{$file['relative']}";?>" TARGET="_blank" title=" - ">config['base_url']}{$file['relative']}";?>" alt=" - "/>


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