Shop and simple checkout

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Shop and simple checkout

Post by thomahawk »

I am going to redesign an existing CMSMS website. I did a simple shop 6 years ago, based on CartMadeSimple 0.2.5 and ShopMadeSimple 0.2.6, but had a programmer change the checkout so that no login or registering is necessary.

Because of all the changes, I could not do updates of CMSMS (1.6.6 "Bonde"). We will now set up a new one, make all design and content new. But the structure and the products already stored for the shop, should stay the same.

So I need someone with good CMSMS shop experience who can setup a new store with product database and simple checkout (no registering, invoice payment). It can use other modules if now better ones are available, or the same ones we had. The goal is to have the same simple checkout process like we have now and to import the existing product data from our mySQL database.

If interested, I would send you the link so you can see how it works now. Then I need your offer for the job.

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