Classes memory exhaust errors

Help with getting the CMS CORE package up and running. This does not include 3rd party modules, PHP scripts, anything downloaded via module manager or from any external source.
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Classes memory exhaust errors

Post by baresi »

This is an upgrade (done both in steps and jumping several version straight to 1.10.3), with only core modules installed on both the old and now.

In both step by step and jumping versions upgrade I noticed the famous trying to allocate memory errors (already set at 128M) when accessing User Preferences and 'sometimes' (not sure really what that could mean) other places like listcontent and front end too.

The errors I see accessing user preferences:

/lib/classes/class.ContentProperties.php on line 80, which is:

Code: Select all

$this->mPropertyValues[$name] = $defaultvalue;
/lib/classes/ on line 680:

Code: Select all

$contentobj->LoadFromData($row, false);
Other notes:
-I think the modules verification list below is different from actual ones listed on modules page because I have not clicked install for MicroTiny and CMSPrinting?
-Checksum before upgrade was fine and trying it tonight I see only "1 Files failed md5sum check: /tmp/cache/index.html" (except removed install files)
-Something to uncomment in provided htaccess?
-Nothing else in server logs (provided by host, I have no access)
-In an initial upgrade attempt I am sure I had the old htaccess with 120 max_execution_time, so probably(?) not an issue

Any clues or help appreciated.


Cms Version: 1.10.3

Installed Modules:

CMSMailer: 2.0.2
FileManager: 1.2.0
MenuManager: 1.7.7
ModuleManager: 1.5.3
News: 2.12.3
Printing: 0.2.3
Search: 1.5
ThemeManager: 1.1.4
TinyMCE: 2.4.0

Config Information:

process_whole_template: false
output_compression: false
max_upload_size: 25000000
default_upload_permission: 664
url_rewriting: none
page_extension: .php
query_var: page
image_manipulation_prog: GD
auto_alias_content: true
admin_encoding: utf-8
set_names: true

Php Information:

phpversion: 5.2.17
md5_function: On (True)
gd_version: 2
tempnam_function: On (True)
magic_quotes_runtime: Off (False)
memory_limit: 128M
max_execution_time: 30
output_buffering: On
safe_mode: Off (False)
file_uploads: On (True)
post_max_size: 50M
upload_max_filesize: 50M
session_save_path: /tmp (1777)
session_use_cookies: On (True)
xml_function: On (True)

Server Information:

Server Api: litespeed
Server Db Type: MySQL (mysql)
Server Db Version: 5.1.55


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