modules im working on

Have a question or a suggestion about a 3rd party addon module or plugin?
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modules im working on

Post by Bewbs »

photogallery - needs some sort of backend. if you are using this plugin and are having problems please let me know. 92% done.

calendar - an event calendar, front end is complete, backend has got me stumped. 90% done.

web hosting signup form - works with cpanel/whm allows clients to buy hosting packages online and pay with paypal. 75% done

Pollpoll - allows voting, frontend is 100% done, backend is 50% done.

some of these are currently up, some are not. once they are finished i will start posting links to them, or, a file that can be placed in your cmsms directory that will transfer the files from my server to your server.
Last edited by Bewbs on Thu Oct 21, 2004 10:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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modules im working on

Post by calguy1000 »

I like the photo gallery site, the only thing I could have used at this time, is the ability
to specify the "root" directory, so that I could have many different galleries going..

oh yeah, and I hacked thecode so that it didn't look for the images in an images directory under the module path, just in the module path itself.

other than that, it works great.
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modules im working on

Post by Bewbs »



modules im working on

Post by BamaRob »

Looks great! Do you plan to have a small calendar that would fit in a side column (similar to phpWebsite and other cms/blog/etc. engines)? That would be cool. Also, do do you plan to have a full page month view? That'd also be cool. Great work. I can't wait to test it out.


modules im working on

Post by Bewbs »

calendar should be done this weekend

modules im working on

Post by BamaRob »

I hate to seem impatient... But, I'm really looking forward to trying out the calendar. What's the status?


modules im working on

Post by Virco »

How about the photogallery, that's definitly something I want to use :D

modules im working on

Post by BamaRob »

What's the status of the calendar? The last message (above) said it should be ready "this weekend" (10/30-31). Need any help with it?




Post by Brit »

Hi Bewbs & everyone:

I need to develop a calendar plugin. Shall I modify extcal2 (, or is there some common code that we can all help with? There's no reason to work alone on this.....

If I need to modify extcal2, has anyone the kernel of a module developer's guide? Should I just start with Smarty documentation?


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modules im working on

Post by Ted »

Unfortunatly. We're even tried getting ahold of him via email, and are having no luck. I'm hoping he gets back to us or else someone will have to write this stuff from scrach, which would be a real waste.


Post by trixter »

I had been working on a gallery, and decided to come here and post a different module I had written (under seperate thread as its unrelated to this one) and saw that someone else had worked on a gallery..

I had a question, does your gallery support EXIF data in JPEG images (GD does so its trivial to add in).. JPEG images support upto 65000 characters of 'comments' (although its not defined what a 'comment' is to be used for in the spec). I am fairly certain google does index EXIF data (goto and type in "Created by The GIMP" and you will get a bunch of unrelated pictures all with the default GIMP comment :) )

Anyway, mine does, its trivial to add in a routine, but rather than have two galleries, I was thinking I would snag yours, add in that support and go from there, providing its suitable in other aspects to my needs (which I dont really know what they are yet, so I dont know :)

gallery ...

Post by trixter »

Why merge the two? Doing EXIF data with GD (presumably that is what is used) is *trivial* in php. Adding that into the gallery that already works with CMS may be far easier.

Are there other features that would be missing from the one bewbs did?

Example of how to read EXIF data from within PHP:
$exif = exif_read_data($IMAGE_ROOT.$image_name,'COMMENT', true);
foreach ($exif as $key => $section) {
foreach ($section as $name => $val) {
if($key=="COMMENT") echo "$val";

In this example I look for the 'comment' EXIF tag, but there are several some are based on the file, however for a gallery that is going to use the upto 65000 character comment tag, this seems most appropriate. One tag field is a thumbnail. Yes JPEGs support a thumbnail within the image itself, how silly is that?

fyi: EXIF comments in JPEGs can be referenced by multiple comment tags, so you can have TAG 0, 1, 2, ... and in theory use them however your application wishes..

The only downside is that short of reading the file itself (which others have written code to do, whole php libs for just that) you cant appear to write EXIF data using GD+PHP. libjpeg comes with wrjpegcom which lets you, so you *could* use that in a system() call for an admin tool. Also GD will trash the comment if you rotate, resize, etc, and make the comment to the GD version that was used.

On a personal note I think GD is wrong in doing this, the comments are overwritten, not added to. There does not appear to be a GD option to inhibit this behaviour (although I havent exhausted all search avenues for that info, nothing jumped out saying it could be). Those comments may contain useful or important information, maybe even a copyright, which would be lost simply by using GD.

Given that google does index based on those comments its a good idea to have reasonable values for them anyway, I havent checked with other search engines to see if they too index based on that.
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modules im working on

Post by Ted »

Of course, the big question is: Does anyone have a copy of bewbs' gallery module? I sure know I don't. :)

modules im working on

Post by BamaRob »

I was really looking forward to using his calendar plugin! Perhaps we should start on a new calendar plugin. Brit, let me know if I can help out.


Post Bewbs' code

Post by Xorn725 »

Patricia, you say you have the code from Bewbs' modules. Can you post that somewhere or else give it to Wishy so he can add it to SVN? I'd like to get a look at the gallery stuff and the calendar would be great too. I'd certainly be willing to hack on it a bit.

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