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Replace MenuManager bt Navigator
Posted: Sat May 25, 2024 10:02 am
by musicscore
Because I have some old website previously designed using MenuManager I want to replace MenuManager by Navigator.
I tryed to replace {Menu loadprops=0 template="mytemplate"} by {Navigator loadprops=0 template="mytemplate"} but then the menu on the website is gone.
Is there an easy way to replace menumanger by Navigator or do I have to create new templates (pffffff).
Please help.
Re: Replace MenuManager bt Navigator
Posted: Sat May 25, 2024 12:56 pm
by DIGI3
Navigator works differently (and much more efficiently) so the templates aren't directly compatible with MM. In most cases it's fairly trivial to adapt them using the default Navigator template and just updating the class names and any html customizations. Because Navigator templates are recursive, there's typically a lot less work than there was in Menu Manager.
If you get stuck, feel free to post your MenuManager template and someone should be able to give you some tips or provide the conversion.
Re: Replace MenuManager bt Navigator
Posted: Sat May 25, 2024 2:22 pm
by musicscore
Thank you for your (super quick) answer.
I managed to replace menumanager by Navigator on one site already by adjusting the div and classnamens.
Thanks for the tip.
After upgrading tot 2.2.18 I think menumanager is causing the site to give a 500 error after a while.
In the log, menumanger is popup as an error.
Hope replacing menumanager by Navigator will solve this problem AND give me the oppertunity to upgrade to 2.2.20 at a later moment.
Thanks again.