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LISE - Blank white screen of death

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2023 6:16 pm
by MantaPro
SOLVED - data issue - notes provided in case anyone else suffers the same issue

Just upgraded CMSmadeSimple from 2.2.16 to 2.2.18 and upgraded LISE by a version (or maybe 2) to LISE v1.5.5.

I have approx 4 LISE instances running
All 4 worked perfectly pre upgrades.
Post upgrades 3 worked perfectly but the 4th just showed the blank white page of death on the front end (probably because I have $config['debug'] = false; in my config file and log_errors = On & display_errors = Off in my php.ini file)

Setting debug top true and displaying errors was one option - but with only 1 out of 4 crashing I suspected that some data in the 4th instance was crashing some new PHP logic that was previously OK.

Looking at the data in the SQL database the culprit was the record LISExxxxx_mapi_pref_detailpage (where xxxx is your LISE instance name) that is stored in the _siteprefs table. The data that had been OK in prior versions that now crashed LISE in v1.5.5 was caused by the value of this record being blank or unset

Simply solved in the Admin backend navigate to the options screen for that Lise Instance, in the "Module Defaults" fieldset, set the "Detail page" drop down field to a value or none and then press submit to save the change. (if like mine none already appears to be selected, you do need to actually select none and hit submit which results in a value of "0" being written to the DB and the LISE works perfectly.

LISE - great module - thanks to the developers. Hope the above help some others if they suffer similar problems.