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LISE search by filter

Posted: Wed May 10, 2023 10:01 am
by antibart
Hi again ;)

After i didn't really get any further with the subcategory-menu, I would like to do it again with the search filter form. Which I like more anyway.

I've used the filter search very often and it worked fine. But I never did with categories. Can't get it to work with categories.

On the other side the LISE help file suggests that category filtering is possible. Here is a quote of the parameter description:
filter = <category_alias_1>,<category_alias_2>[,...,<category_alias_n>] - Applies only to action: search. Specify the fields whose values should be offered as filter options by listing the field's aliases comma separated.
It doesn't matter whether I use the global field alias "category" or a specific category such as "workshops". No form is shown as sonn as I use anything with categories as a filter.

So what am I doing wrong? Do I need LISELoader again? I'm always struggling a bit with it.
