Front End User

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Front End User

Post by RobV10 »

Let me start by saying i'm not a programmer, coder, or expert website builder. I've done a few and I can usually figure my way through creating pages. For CMSMS, I am not understanding how it handles user logins. I can't imagine that it would rely upon a 3-party module to handle that but I can't find anything in the core.
I installed MAMS but it's just not "clicking" for me. If I had some examples I could reverse engineer it to fit my application. In essence I just want a standard way to limiting my content to member users.

If anyone could send me some examples to handle simple operations such as login page with a redirect to a member page or how to handle the template forms, I'd be eternally grateful.

On a side note, does anyone have this issue ... wen creating a new user in MAMS and I press "Next", it doesn't go to the User Properties page. It just goes back to the Member Area page.
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Re: Front End User

Post by rotezecke »

have you created a user group? you need at least one group before you can create users as far as I remember.
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Re: Front End User

Post by RobV10 »

Yes I have.

I've been playing with the FrontEndUser and MAMS modules but they aren't quite clear on the syntax to use in the template.
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Re: Front End User

Post by DIGI3 »

I would stick with MAMS, it's actively supported and functional. FEU was abandoned by its author some time ago. The core doesn't have front end login functionality, we design the core to be lean and, generally, only contain capabilities used by all sites.

Starting with the issue of clicking next taking you back to the Members Area page, I'd check the following:
-be sure Mod Security is disabled (you may have to confirm with your host)
-check your php version - I'm not sure MAMS supports 8.x yet
-check your error logs
-try it with the console open and preserve log enabled - see if there's any clues
-try a different browser, and/or incognito mode

As for the actual functionality, it sounds like you want the protected page type. MAMS adds this so it's available to all content pages, switching them from content (or whatever they currently are) to protected page. Put the {MAMS ...} tag with desired parameters where you want the login form to be. Protected pages will then only be available to logged-in members.

Of course there's a lot more options and functionality, but it sounds like that's where you're getting stuck. If not, feel free to post specific issues you're running into.
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Re: Front End User

Post by RobV10 »

Thank you for taking the time and your response.

"Next" Issue
- i'm not sure where to check for the Mod Security. FEU works so i'm assuming it's not a system setting. Check me if my assumption is wrong.
- PHP version is 7.4.30
- no different in incognito mode
- I didn't see any obvious issues while in debug mode or in the logs. I'm at a loss on this issue.

Protected Content
- I updated my page types to Protected Content. Kicking myself for missing this.

Can I get an example of how to use the parameters, options, and use of template options? (ex. {MAMS action="login"} ) I've tried a few different formats and they aren't responsive. I'm assuming i'm just not using it correctly. I'm really wanting the user to be redirected to a user page after a successful login. I know this is something that is simple but I'm just not getting it.

THanks again!
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Re: Front End User

Post by DIGI3 »

if you have cPanel, there *might* be a setting to disable mod_security. If not, it's something your host would have to check. There's no way to test for it, so I can't tell if this is your issue, but it's often a culprit.

I can't really give you examples for all the parameters an options, I don't mind troubleshooting a specific issue but that's a bit too vague. For the page after login, there's a field near the bottom of the "Builtin Authentication" tab in Site Admin > Settings - MAMS.

The other thing I never thought to check regarding your issue of it not going to the next page when creating a user - does the group you're assigning the user to have any additional properties? If not, then the next page shouldn't appear anyway, as there would be nothing on it. (create a new User Property, then edit the group and set that field to optional/required)
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Re: Front End User

Post by RobV10 »

Wow. [Slaps forehead]. All of the properties were turned off. Thanks for your help on that.

Also i'd overlooked those alias fields. Once I set those up and switched the page over to MAMS Protected...all appears to be working now.

Thanks for all of your help. I'm sure i'll have more in the future. hehe
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