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Goodreads Widget

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 12:22 am
by johnsont
I'm trying to get the Goodreads widget to work on my website. The Goodreads site provides all the code, which includes CCS, HTML, and scripting. I added the CCS code to theme_Core and theme_Default (duplicating, I know, but I'm not sure which it should be in). I added the JS inside the <head> tag in Core::Page. I added the HTML into the page I'm working on. It seems to be getting the HMTL and CSS, but not the scripting. Should I be putting it somewhere else?

I also tried the easy way of putting all three elements into the page directly, but that didn't work either.

The page is and the widget I'm working on is on the bottom left "What Ms.Currier is Reading"

The code I got from Goodreads is here: ... YLlms/edit


Re: Goodreads Widget

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 2:27 am
by DIGI3
I don't see the goodreads script being loaded anywhere, it's not in the head or anywhere else. Make sure to view your source code after adding it to make sure you actually have it added (and that you're editing the right template).

I've moved this topic as it's not really a CMSMS issue, just general web development.

Re: Goodreads Widget

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 11:19 pm
by johnsont
Rookie mistake not checking the code! Sheesh! I was a web developer for many years, then switched to a new career. Now I'm doing this as part of the new career! I took over this site from someone else and there are a lot of random and unused pages and templates. I'm trying to clean it up. I'll figure this out! Thanks. :)