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Help a simpleton please

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 9:18 pm
by Celebrator

Im a graphic designer that also got the responsibility to update a website. Now i do understand code a bit but the problem is that i dont know where to even look.

Heres the problem.
The website has a calguys calendar to wich events are added. Now these events are shows to which you have to buy tickets and there is a thing where you can add a link to the place where you can buy the tickets.
But instead of using the link provided in the GetTickets textbox it just redirects to "Array" or a page that does not exist.
Here is an example when you click the "get ticket here ->" it just does not work.

Where do i even start to look on how to fix this?
Im sorry im a dummy. Please just point me in the right direction ???

I also added a picture of the problem.

Re: Help a simpleton please

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 8:01 am
by velden
There must be some error in the template used to display those events (upcominglist?).

I think it's easy to fix but we'd need to see the relevant part of the template. And please post CMSMS System Information.

Re: Help a simpleton please

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 5:44 pm
by paulbaker
Agree with velden, here is how to get what you need.

For system info, see the link in my signature.

For the upcoming template:
Content > Calguys Calendar > Templates (link top right) > Find the upcoming template (towards the bottom from memory) and paste that between CODE markers in your response here.

Re: Help a simpleton please

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 4:57 pm
by Celebrator
Allright i found "sample template" which i presume is the culprit.

Code: Select all

{* orig fullcalendar view *}
{* This template utilizes fullcalendar ( an interactive javascript calendar *}
{* this action requires that:
   a: jquery and jquery-ui be enabled in the page header.  You can use jQueryTools, or {cms_jquery} for this.
   b: {cgjs_render} be called in the page header, after the inclusion of jquery and jquery ui.
{cgjs_require cssfile='lib/fullcalendar/fullcalendar.min.css'}
{cgjs_require jsfile='lib/fullcalendar/lib/moment.min.js'}
{cgjs_require jsfile='lib/fullcalendar/fullcalendar.js'}
{cgjs_add nominify=1}
{module_action_url action=ajax_fetchevents forajax=1 asign='fetch_url'}
  var _holidays = null;
     url: '{module_action_url action=ajax_fetchholidays forajax=1}'
     if( typeof data != 'undefined' && data != null && data.length > 0 ) {
        _holidays = data;

     dayRender: function( date, cell ) {
       // get holiday events for today.
       if( typeof _holidays == 'string' ) return;
       if( ! _holidays instanceof Array ) return;
       var _tst1 = date.format('YYYY-MM-DD');
          if( _tst1 == entry.start ) {
     events: {
       url:  '{$fetch_url}',
       type: 'GET',
       data: {
         '{$actionid}showchildren': 1,
	 '{$actionid}detailpage': '{$detailpage}',
	 '{$actionid}eventtemplate': '{$actionparams.eventtemplate|default:''}',
	 '{$actionid}editpage': '{$actionparams.editpage|default:''}',
	 '{$actionid}editeventtemplate': '{$actionparams.editeventtemplate|default:''}',
       error: function() {
     header: {
       left: 'prev,next,today',
       center: 'title',
       right: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay'
     defaultEventMinutes: 15,
     slotMinutes: 15,
     allDayText: '{$mod->Lang('allday')|cms_escape}',
     eventColor: '{$dflt_bgcolor}',
     eventTextColor: '{$dflt_fgcolor}',
     monthNames: {$datestrings.monthNames},
     monthNamesShort: {$datestrings.monthNamesShort},
     dayNames: {$datestrings.dayNames},
     dayNamesShort: {$datestrings.dayNamesShort},
     firstDay: {$firstdayofweek},
     columnFormat: {
        month: 'ddd',
        week: 'ddd d/w',
        day: 'dddd d/M'
     buttonText: {
       today: '{$text_today|cms_escape}',
       week: '{$text_week|cms_escape}',
       month: '{$text_month|cms_escape}',
       day: '{$text_day|cms_escape}'
     eventClick: function(event, jsEvent, view) {
       // woot, we can go to a detail view.
       window.location = event.detail_url;


<div id="fullcalendar"></div>
And here's the system information.

Code: Select all


Cms Version: [b]1.12.1[/b]

Installed Modules:

CMSMailer: [b]5.2.14[/b]
FileManager: [b]1.4.5[/b]
MenuManager: [b]1.8.7[/b]
ModuleManager: [b]1.5.8[/b]
News: [b]2.15.2[/b]
Printing: [b]1.1.2[/b]
Search: [b]1.7.13[/b]
ThemeManager: [b]1.1.8[/b]
Gallery: [b]2.3[/b]
CGExtensions: [b]1.53.19[/b]
CGCalendar: [b]1.16.1[/b]
CMSPrinting: [b]1.0.5[/b]
MicroTiny: [b]1.2.9[/b]
CGSimpleSmarty: [b]1.10[/b]

Config Information:

php_memory_limit: [b][/b]
process_whole_template: [b][/b]
max_upload_size: [b]128000000[/b]
url_rewriting: [b]mod_rewrite[/b]
page_extension: [b][/b]
query_var: [b]page[/b]
image_manipulation_prog: [b]GD[/b]
auto_alias_content: [b]true[/b]
locale: [b][/b]
default_encoding: [b]utf-8[/b]
admin_encoding: [b]utf-8[/b]
set_names: [b]true[/b]

Php Information:

phpversion: [b]5.6.31[/b]
md5_function: [b]On[/b] (True)
gd_version: [b]2[/b]
tempnam_function: [b]On[/b] (True)
magic_quotes_runtime: [b]Off[/b] (False)
E_STRICT: [b]2048[/b]
E_DEPRECATED: [b]8192[/b]
memory_limit: [b]192M[/b]
max_execution_time: [b]90[/b]
output_buffering: [b]On[/b]
safe_mode: [b]Off[/b] (False)
file_uploads: [b]On[/b] (True)
post_max_size: [b]8M[/b]
upload_max_filesize: [b]128M[/b]
session_save_path: [b]/var/cpanel/php/sessions/ea-php56[/b] (4733)
session_use_cookies: [b]On[/b] (True)
xml_function: [b]On[/b] (True)
xmlreader_class: [b]On[/b] (True)

Server Information:

Server Api: [b]cgi-fcgi[/b]
Server Db Type: [b]MySQL (mysql)[/b]
Server Db Version: [b]5.6.37[/b]
Server Db Grants: [b]Could not find a suitable "GRANT ALL" permission. This may mean you could have problems installing or removing modules. Or even adding and deleting items, including pages[/b]
Server Time Diff: [b]No filesystem time difference found[/b]


It's a lifesaver to have you guys since i have no idea where to look for these things. I am truly grateful! Also sorry for taking so long!

Re: Help a simpleton please

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 10:37 am
by rotezecke
i have never used this module but i think
{module_action_url action=ajax_fetchevents forajax=1 asign='fetch_url'}
should be
{module_action_url action=ajax_fetchevents forajax=1 assign='fetch_url'}

Re: Help a simpleton please

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 11:00 am
by velden
You posted a 'full calendar' template. This is not the template that is used for the page(s) with the problem.

Re: Help a simpleton please

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 6:43 am
by Celebrator
I think I found the culprit!

Code: Select all

{cms_stylesheet name="Module: Calendar"}

<div class="cal-list">

{if isset($navigation)}
{if isset($navigation.prev)}<span class="calendar-prev"><a href="{$navigation.prev}">{$lang.prev}</a></span>{/if}    {if isset($}<span class="calendar-next"><a href="{$}">{$}</a></span>{/if}

{foreach from=$events key=key item=event}

  <tr><td id="date">

    {if $event.event_date_start|date_format:"%d%m%Y" == $event.event_date_end|date_format:"%d%m%Y"}
      {$event.event_date_start|date_format:"%b %d, %Y"}

    {elseif $event.event_date_start|date_format:"%m%Y" == $event.event_date_end|date_format:"%m%Y"}
      {$event.event_date_start|date_format:"%b %d"} - {$event.event_date_end|date_format:"%d, %Y"}

    {elseif $event.event_date_start|date_format:"%Y" == $event.event_date_end|date_format:"%Y"}
      {$event.event_date_start|date_format:"%b %d "} - {$event.event_date_end|date_format:"%b %d, %Y"}

      {$event.event_date_start|date_format:"%b %d, %Y"} - {$event.event_date_end|date_format:"%b %d, %Y"}
{if $event.fields.GetTickets}<br />
  <a href="{$event.fields.GetTickets}">
  <img src="{uploads_url}/images/calendar/get_tickets_here.png" alt="get tickets here" onmouseover="this.src='{uploads_url}/images/calendar/get_tickets_here_hover.png'" onmouseout="this.src='{uploads_url}/images/calendar/get_tickets_here.png'" /></a>

{if $return_url != ""}
<div class="calendar-returnlink">{$return_url}</div>
Alas I don't know how to fix it :(

Re: Help a simpleton please

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2017 8:51 am
by velden

Code: Select all

<a href="{$event.fields.GetTickets}">

Code: Select all

<a href="{$event.fields.GetTickets.field_value}">

Re: Help a simpleton please

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 2:24 pm
by Celebrator
It works!
Thank you all and lots of love!