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cms_help tag with a content tag in Edit Content Page

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 1:51 pm
I use multiple content tags in templates. Is it possible to associate cms_help tags with the custom content textareas in the Admin Edit Content Page? If so, how?

Yes, I read the documentation - I'm hoping "typically" doesn't mean exclusively.
This is an admin only plugin to use to generate a link that when clicked will generate popup help for a particular item.

This plugin is typically used from module admin templates

I'm using CMSMS 2.1.5, full details available if likely to help.

Re: cms_help tag with a content tag in Edit Content Page

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 3:58 pm
by paulbaker
I don't know the answer to your specific question. However I thought I would mention the UsersGuide module which is a way of adding help documentation to the admin area which can be used to guide editors through the editing process. Might be of use to you. V2 compatible.

Re: cms_help tag with a content tag in Edit Content Page

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 5:22 pm
paulbaker wrote:I don't know the answer to your specific question.
That's a pity. :(
I'll have to settle for putting a couple of lines of instructions in the default text as part of a comment. That or as default text (for WYSIWYG)
However I thought I would mention the UsersGuide module <snipped>
It's great, I've been using it.
In this instance the elderly Editors have little computer skills, and little inclination to learn things like using multiple tabs in a browser. The less things they have to look at, or do, the they'll get confused or frustrated (entering the weekly game results, and seasonal calendar).
When shown UserGuide they all asked for a printout :) they are not comfortable switching pages, or even using inter-page links.

I could skip the manual all-together if I put custom content in cms_help tags in associated with the extra content tags I put in their templates (used in Content->Content Manager->Edit Content Page).

Thanks for the thought, I'll put something in the CMSM Feature board.