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FEU Search & MLE challenge

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 12:56 pm
by Publisher
Hello everybody

I am trying to translate all FEU properties, within some listings. In the CMSMS Forge MLE Module site i found this link ... ms-module/ . The description says following:
Currently, there isn’t much flexibility when it comes to multilingual sites and modules, and we have no control over module output based on language. Even worse, we have no control when it comes to URL structure of the module. The majority of content based modules within CMSMS offer either some sort of “Category” settings or ability to add “Extra Fields”. These are the solutions we can use when building a multilingual site
My Idea to solve the translation to all FEU properties was to duplicate every property and add the name with an 'en_' suffix. So to call the registration, search, or change acount settings etc. forms i have only to give the required items to the inplementing Module String like
{CGUserDirectory action="search" searchproperty="en_birthdate,en_name,en_phone" resultpage="searched-employee" lang="en_US"}
But the problem is, the entries for example for the profession inserted in the german site, is not saved in the same property like the en_profession inserted in the english site. So the search results are in real not complete.
So i need a solution to concatinate somhow this ralted properties.

How can i solve thad?

Thanks in advice for your help!

CMSMS 1.11.5
CGExtensions 1.36
CGUserDirectory 1.3
CMSMailer 5.2.1
CMSPrinting 1.0.4
CustomContent 1.9
FileManager 1.4.3
FormBrowser 0.4.2
FormBuilder 0.7.2
FrontEndUsers 1.21.16
JQueryFU 1.0.5
MenuManager 1.8.5
MicroTiny 1.2.5
MleCMS 1.11.4
ModuleManager 1.5.5
News 2.12.12
Search 1.7.8
SelfRegistration 1.7.8
ThemeManager 1.1.8