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Frontenduser + selfregistration

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 3:08 pm
by jrchristensen

I need someone to do this:

We need the two boxes (login + signup) standing next to each other, and not over/under as now. Then when you are logged in, we would like the sign up box to disappear, and if possible the topmenu text saying ‘login’ to change to ‘log off’.

And as you can see the sign up box uses another typography than the login box, I would like both to be using the one login are using

We are using:
CMSMS 1.11.9 with FrontEndUsers 1.21.18 and SelfRegistration 1.8.1.

Who can do this and at what price, fast, will prefer to have it over with tomorrow already if anyone got the time?

Best regards,

Re: Frontenduser + selfregistration

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 3:21 pm
by jrchristensen
perfect! thanks.

We are on a short deadline so the sooner the better, you can contact me on

looking forward to hear from you