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[Solved]My page only shows the html code.

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:12 am
by tilde
If I insert this html code on my page:
<__iframe allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no" width="622" height="623" style="border:none" frameborder="0" src="kontakt_kassereren.php"><a href="kontakt_kassereren.php" title="kontakt_kassereren">Check out my CoffeeCup Form</a></__iframe>

I only see this when viewing my page:
<a href="kontakt_kassereren.php" title="kontakt_kassereren">Check out my CoffeeCup Form</a>

It should show me a contact form.

What do I have to do to show the form.



Re: My page only shows the html code.

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:50 am
by RonnyK
Better call that iframe without the wysiwyg active on a page, as the < and > get escaped by the wysiwyg.

So either set the page to not have a wysiwyg, or create a GCB, where you set the GCB to not have a wysiwyg, and put the iframe call in there. Then call the GCB in the page.

Other question, what is so specific on the contact_form.php that you call, which makes you call it in a iframe, instead of using FormBuilder f.e. to have a contact_form?


Re: My page only shows the html code.

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:07 am
by tilde
Good morning Ronny.
Thanks for your fast reply to my problem.
Wysiwyg was turned of.
But I created a GCB for my code and now it is OK.


Re: [Solved]My page only shows the html code.

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:15 pm
by RonnyK

I think that you mean that the page had HTML turned off during typing, but I dont think that you had wysiwyg off for the page. The HTML off is only during page-editing, after which it goes back into wysiwyg-mode and escapes.

With the tick to have it off in general for the page, the wysiwyg is not kicking in after entry, and is not escaping then. So check the fields that you used, and you will see that there are 2, 1 for during a single entry, to see the code underneath and 1 to turn it off in general for that page.
