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Aim of the Usability and Accessability Forum

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 1:45 am
by westis
This is a forum specifically for discussions about usability and accessability. It is already comparatively easy to create usable and accessible web sites with CMS Made Simple. But a lot still remains to be done.

In this forum you can:
  • Share tips and ideas that others can learn from.
  • Ask for help about how to make your site more usable and accessible.
  • Suggest what can be improved to make CMS Made Simple even more easy-to-use and accessible: the admin panel, default themes, modules/tags and the CMS Made Simple website itself.
Usability means designing websites that are easy to use. It's about the needs of the users, for the visitors of a website to easily find what they are looking for. Then you also achieve your objectives with the site and benefit in many ways.

Accessability goes hand in hand with usability. It's all about providing equal access and equal opportunity to all web users, regardless of disabilities or what browser technology they are using.

A lot of this is interwoven with the web standards, as established by W3C and others. And as an additional benefit, accessible and usable websites are also more accessible to search engines!

Welcome to contribute to achieving this with CMS Made Simple!

Re: Aim of the Usability and Accessability Forum

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 4:30 pm
by hazz
fyi, spelling error.
Accessibility not Accessability