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Documentation section of the new site - please help filling empty pages

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 10:57 pm
by westis
Now the new site is launched and as you can see there is a section for Documentation at

Please read what's there and write in this forum if you have any suggestions to what could be written differently/better or if there's something you don't understand or that you think is missing.

Also, feel free to fill in the empty pages by posting a topic in this forum! I intend to do a lot of writing in the coming weeks, but any help and feedback is appreciated. :-)


/Daniel "westis"

Re: Documentation section of the new site - please help filling empty pages

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 1:20 am
by iNSiPiD
I don't see any documentation, just an NB and description of documentation sections that don't link anywhere. Help for the blind please! :)

Edit: scratch that. The documentation is the forum section, yes? Coolio. I was looking for the WIKI that was there before.

Re: Documentation section of the new site - please help filling empty pages

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 8:08 am
by westis
Hi iNSiPiD,

The documentation is on the same site as this forum, you can find the link in the top menu. But as by now most sections are still empty. However, the basic structure is set and some pages are there, like a couple of pages in the Installation and Admin Panel sections. As soon as possible I'd like the Installation and Getting Started sections to be complete, because that's where most people start reading anyway.

There are lots of useful posts in the forum. Anyone could post links to such posts here (or PM me) and I could use them both for Tips & Tricks and other sections. Unfortunately time is limited both to write and to actively scan the forum for old posts that are more helpful than others...

But now that the new site is up I should have more time to focus on the documentation. :-)