CMSMS 1.11 - Galapagos

Help with getting the CMS CORE package up and running. This does not include 3rd party modules, PHP scripts, anything downloaded via module manager or from any external source.
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Re: CMSMS 1.11 - Galapagos

Post by kmesd62 »

Just to share my route around the "building static route database" blockage that various upgraders have run into...

I should start by saying this involved a lot of playing around with a local version of my current site, created from the last known backup of my live site (with xampp + a few changes to config & htaccess).

What worked for me was to overwite the 1.11 files into the site, move my non-core modules into a new folder, run the upgrade script with the core modules only and then re-add the non-core modules back in to the modules folder.

Initially this was causing the site to break (i.e. 501 on the admin interface) but removing non-core modules again, adding them back in again a few at a time and re-loading the modules page to check for correct operation I managed to find the culprit: SelfRegistration

A re-installation of the SelfRegistration xml file (from the forge) via the Modules page fixed this.

So, in summary:
In between steps 6 and 7 on this link: (i.e. once you've put the v1.11 files on top of your existing files but BEFORE you run the upgrade script),
a) move your non-core modules into a new folder. NB this will obviously break your site so best to activate the 'Site down' message if not done already.
b) run the upgrade script (step 7) with the core modules only and complete the rest of the steps, but before you test the site...
c) add the non-core modules back in a few at a time, less any that you know have caused problems
d) re-add the missing non-core modules from the forge/modules page
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Re: CMSMS 1.11 - Galapagos - News module

Post by frankmanl »

Several cases (actually 3 out of 3) of CMSMS 1.10.3 being upgraded to 1.11 don't display the entry field for News module's summary field (see image in attachment), both in NCleanGrey and OneEleven.
This is the case when I want to write a new news item. Once an item is submitted the summary field appears when I want to edit the item.

Here's the system info of one of them:

Code: Select all


Cms Version: [b]1.11[/b]

Installed Modules:

    CMSMailer: [b]5.2.1[/b]
    CMSPrinting: [b]1.0.2[/b]
    FileManager: [b]1.4.0[/b]
    MenuManager: [b]1.8.2[/b]
    MicroTiny: [b]1.2.3[/b]
    ModuleManager: [b]1.5.5[/b]
    News: [b]2.12.7[/b]
    Search: [b]1.7.6[/b]
    ThemeManager: [b]1.1.7[/b]
    FormBuilder: [b]0.7.3[/b]
    TinyMCE: [b][/b]
    Gallery: [b]1.6[/b]
    CGExtensions: [b]1.29.1[/b]
    CGCalendar: [b]1.9.7[/b]

Config Information:

    php_memory_limit: [b][/b]
    process_whole_template: [b][/b]
    output_compression: [b][/b]
    max_upload_size: [b]2000000[/b]
    url_rewriting: [b]none[/b]
    page_extension: [b][/b]
    query_var: [b]page[/b]
    image_manipulation_prog: [b]GD[/b]
    auto_alias_content: [b]true[/b]
    locale: [b][/b]
    default_encoding: [b]utf-8[/b]
    admin_encoding: [b]utf-8[/b]
    set_names: [b]true[/b]

Php Information:

    phpversion: [b]5.3.3[/b]
    md5_function: [b]On[/b] (True)
    gd_version: [b]2[/b]
    tempnam_function: [b]On[/b] (True)
    magic_quotes_runtime: [b]Off[/b] (False)
    E_STRICT: [b]0[/b]
    E_DEPRECATED: [b]0[/b]
    memory_limit: [b]128M[/b]
    max_execution_time: [b]30[/b]
    output_buffering: [b]0[/b]
    safe_mode: [b]Off[/b] (False)
    file_uploads: [b]On[/b] (True)
    post_max_size: [b]8M[/b]
    upload_max_filesize: [b]2M[/b]
    session_save_path: [b]/tmp[/b] (0777)
    session_use_cookies: [b]On[/b] (True)
    xml_function: [b]On[/b] (True)
    xmlreader_class: [b]On[/b] (True)

Server Information:

    Server Api: [b]cgi-fcgi[/b]
    Server Db Type: [b]MySQL (mysql)[/b]
    Server Db Version: [b]4.1.21[/b]
    Server Db Grants: [b]Found a "GRANT ALL" statement that appears to be suitable[/b]

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Re: CMSMS 1.11 - Galapagos

Post by calguy1000 »

/me bets that your editor is set to TinyMCE. You will probably need to uninstall/re-install TinyMCE.
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Re: CMSMS 1.11 - Galapagos

Post by frankmanl »

That's right, I'l give it a try. Thanks.

YES, that worked!
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Re: CMSMS 1.11 - Galapagos

Post by zenojl »


I upgraded today from 1.10.3 to 1.11 and I ran into the same "Building static route database..." issue in step 5 as other people in this post.

In order to help investigations of this issue, I added a few php 'echo' statement in the code of function 'rebuild_static_routes' (see below).

Here is my system information before the upgrade.

Cms Version: 1.10.3
Installed Modules:
CMSMailer: 2.0.2
CMSPrinting: 1.0
FileManager: 1.2.0
MenuManager: 1.7.7
MicroTiny: 1.1.1
ModuleManager: 1.5.3
News: 2.12.3
Search: 1.7
ThemeManager: 1.1.4
CGExtensions: 1.29.1
MleCMS: 1.10.5

Config Information:
process_whole_template: false
output_compression: false
max_upload_size: 32000000
default_upload_permission: 664
url_rewriting: mod_rewrite
query_var: page
image_manipulation_prog: GD
auto_alias_content: true
default_encoding: utf-8
admin_encoding: utf-8
set_names: true

Php Information:
phpversion: 5.3.6
md5_function: On (True)
gd_version: 2
tempnam_function: On (True)
magic_quotes_runtime: Off (False)
memory_limit: 32M
max_execution_time: 30
output_buffering: On
safe_mode: Off (False)
file_uploads: On (True)
post_max_size: 32M
upload_max_filesize: 32M
session_save_path: /Applications/MAMP/tmp/php (0755)
session_use_cookies: On (True)
xml_function: On (True)

Server Information:
Server Api: apache2handler
Server Db Type: MySQL (mysql)
Server Db Version: 5.5.9


I am woking on my local machine with MAMP, so I don't think that issues with file permissions can come into the way.

And after several trials, I untar-ed the cmsmadesimple-1.11 file in a new folder (to make sure that there is no issue with files from my current installation) and just copied there the config.php and .htaccess files.

So. Here is the context. And at step 5 I got:

Code: Select all

Adding module_smarty_plugins table...[done]
Enhancing the adminlog table...[done]
Enhancing the css table table... [done]
Creating routes table... [done]
Adding an index to the content table.... [done]
Building static route database...
As said above - I instrumented the 'rebuild_static_routes' function in class.cms_route_manager.php to check why it was not returning:

Code: Select all

	public static function rebuild_static_routes()
		// clear the route table.
		$db = cmsms()->GetDb();
		$query = 'TRUNCATE TABLE '.cms_db_prefix().'routes';

		// get content routes
		$query = 'SELECT content_id,page_url FROM '.cms_db_prefix()."content 
             WHERE active=1 AND COALESCE(page_url,'') != ''";
		$tmp = $db->GetArray($query);
		if( is_array($tmp) && count($tmp) ) {
			for( $i = 0; $i < count($tmp); $i++ ) {
				$route = CmsRoute::new_builder($tmp[$i]['page_url'],'__CONTENT__',$tmp[$i]['content_id'],'',TRUE);

		// get the module routes
		$installed = ModuleOperations::get_instance()->GetInstalledModules();
		foreach( $installed as $module_name ) {
			echo $module_name;
			$modobj = cms_utils::get_module($module_name);
			echo '...modobj ';
			if( !$modobj ) continue;
			echo '...creating';
			$routes = $modobj->CreateStaticRoutes();
			echo '...done ';
And I got:

Code: Select all

Adding module_smarty_plugins table...[done]
Enhancing the adminlog table...[done]
Enhancing the css table table... [done]
Creating routes table... [done]
Adding an index to the content table.... [done]
Building static route database... CMSMailer...modobj ...creating...done CMSPrinting...modobj ...creating...done FileManager...modobj ...creating...done MenuManager...modobj ...creating...done MicroTiny...modobj ...creating...done ModuleManager...modobj ...creating...done News
Meaning that the issue occurs in the statement

Code: Select all

$modobj = cms_utils::get_module($module_name);
when $module_name = 'News'.

As mentioned in other posts, the issue disappears after renaming modules/News into some other name:

Code: Select all

mv modules/News modules/News_

Code: Select all

Adding module_smarty_plugins table...[done]
Enhancing the adminlog table...[done]
Enhancing the css table table... [done]
Creating routes table... [done]
Adding an index to the content table.... [done]
Building static route database... CMSMailer...modobj ...creating...done CMSPrinting...modobj ...creating...done FileManager...modobj ...creating...done MenuManager...modobj ...creating...done MicroTiny...modobj ...creating...done ModuleManager...modobj ...creating...done Search...modobj ThemeManager...modobj [done]
Updating schema version... [done]
Upgrade schema
CMS is in need of an upgrade.
You are now running schema version 35 and you need to be upgraded to version 36
The CMS database is up to date. Using schema version 36

And the upgrade process could then be successfully completed, even if I had some difficulties to make the News module operational after this.

I hope this could be of some help for investigating this issue.
If needed, I have available a dump of the site's SQL database before the update and I can provide it for investigation.

Re: CMSMS 1.11 - Galapagos

Post by moorezilla »

Great error reporting! Thanks, zenojl. All of my upgraded sites seem to be running fine after renaming the News module folder and completing the upgrade, but having this unexplained issue was really bothering me.
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Re: CMSMS 1.11 - Galapagos

Post by curlypinky »

Hi there,

I am experiencing an issue with a brand new install of 1.11. No modules installed beyond the core modules. This install came from cmsmadesimple-1.11-english.tar.gz uploaded and unpacked on the server through cPanel File Manager.

Everything with the install went well and the admin works except for 2 areas: attempting to visit cmsms FileManager it shows an unformated screen, some of the filemanager buttons and the error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function mb_split() in /home/lucys/public_html/gorditos/lib/smarty/plugins/shared.mb_str_replace.php on line 47
This error is also triggered when attempting to view the Text Report version of the System Information.

All the system info is green checkmarks across the board. I have included a screen shot of the server info as well since I could not create a text version.

Thank you!
Screen shot of the system info
Screen shot of the system info
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Re: CMSMS 1.11 - Galapagos

Post by calguy1000 »

I guess your server doesn't have the php mbstring extensions loaded. We did not notice this change in dependencies or we would have added the requirement to the installer and upgrade routines.

I'll ensure that we do that for the next release.
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Re: CMSMS 1.11 - Galapagos

Post by curlypinky »

Thank you CalGuy, that's what I needed. My server admin installed the php mbstring extensions and everything is working great. Thanks for your help!
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Re: CMSMS 1.11 - Galapagos - CMSPrinting

Post by map_1961 »

Even with our upgraded (from 1.10.3 - to - 1.11 version the {print} tag doesn't work.
The {CMSPrinting} works - even with parameters, but the output for printing is an empty white page without any content...???


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Re: CMSMS 1.11 - Galapagos

Post by curlypinky »

I have run into another issue. This was reported on this post ... 79&t=61689 and it was fixed in the SVN but I am experiencing exactly what the OP reported. The weird thing is it just started - I had successfully edited one of the blocks yesterday.
When editing a GCB, press Apply. The screen refreshes (instead of a green success message) and the changes are shown but if you press Submit and then go back to edit the GCB all the changes are gone.

No errors are in the server logs and the Admin Log is reporting that the block has been Edited.

Thank you!

Cms Version: 1.11

Installed Modules:

CMSMailer: 5.2.1
CMSPrinting: 1.0.2
FileManager: 1.4.0
MenuManager: 1.8.2
MicroTiny: 1.2.3
ModuleManager: 1.5.5
News: 2.12.7
Search: 1.7.6
ThemeManager: 1.1.7
TemplateExternalizer: 2.0.8

Config Information:

max_upload_size: 32000000
url_rewriting: none
query_var: page
image_manipulation_prog: GD
auto_alias_content: true
default_encoding: utf-8
admin_encoding: utf-8
set_names: true

Php Information:

phpversion: 5.3.15
md5_function: On (True)
gd_version: 2
tempnam_function: On (True)
magic_quotes_runtime: Off (False)
memory_limit: 32M
max_execution_time: 120
output_buffering: On
safe_mode: Off (False)
file_uploads: On (True)
post_max_size: 32M
upload_max_filesize: 32M
session_save_path: /tmp (1777)
session_use_cookies: On (True)
xml_function: On (True)
xmlreader_class: On (True)

Server Information:

Server Api: cgi-fcgi
Server Db Type: MySQL (mysqli)
Server Db Version: 5.0.95
Server Db Grants: Found a "GRANT ALL" statement that appears to be suitable

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Re: CMSMS 1.11 - Galapagos

Post by calguy1000 »

I had successfully edited one of the blocks yesterday.
When editing a GCB, press Apply. The screen refreshes (instead of a green success message) and the changes are shown but if you press Submit and then go back to edit the GCB all the changes are gone.
Just tested... works fine for me.
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Re: CMSMS 1.11 - Galapagos

Post by calguy1000 »

Even with our upgraded (from 1.10.3 - to - 1.11 version the {print} tag doesn't work.
The {CMSPrinting} works - even with parameters, but the output for printing is an empty white page without any content...
Just tested this on two sites that I upgraded from 1.10.3 -- one a live site copied down to my local server, and another live site. No problems here.
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Re: CMSMS 1.11 - Galapagos

Post by curlypinky »

calguy1000 wrote:
I had successfully edited one of the blocks yesterday.
When editing a GCB, press Apply. The screen refreshes (instead of a green success message) and the changes are shown but if you press Submit and then go back to edit the GCB all the changes are gone.
Just tested... works fine for me.
OK so this is really weird - if I create a new GCB I can edit it no problem. But the 2 GCBs that I created before my host recompiled PHP to add the mbstring extensions will not save any changes. I deleted the block and created a new GCB with the same name (locations) but that also would not save changes. So I ended up creating another GCB with a new name ( shop_locations) and that one I am able to save any changes no problem. Must be my particular environment but thought I should note this in case anyone else runs into this on their install.

Jean le Chauve

Re: CMSMS 1.11 - Galapagos

Post by Jean le Chauve »

MenuManager 1.8.2 display a warning when applying :
Warning: Missing argument 3 for audit(), called in /public_html/SV_WWW/001-DUVENTDANSLESCORDES/modules/MenuManager/action.edittemplate.php on line 47 and defined in /public_html/SV_WWW/001-DUVENTDANSLESCORDES/lib/page.functions.php on line 443

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