However, there has been this ONE thing, that drove me crazy ever since: Content that has been updated by overwriting, or deleted content was gone for *EVER* with no chance of getting it back.

Since I'm not a coder myself (and have had lots of trouble finding people in my area — and WHEN I finally had someone, he was either unreliable or was indeed very good but didn't want to dive into the mechanics of CMSms), it took a while…
However, now I have managed - not only to order but also to finally receive - a working module that saves the content of pages pre-edit and pre-delete.
• yet there is no admin page
• yet the path for the file backups (a JSON, the content is basically what's regularly been sent to the database on the content-update-trigger) is hard-coded
• yet there is no option to restore the content (easily) - you need to download the file, open it and read up, what you are looking for
But, for the first shot, I'm still thrilled!

Content is now not LOST anymore! What a day!

If any one is interested, I'd love to contribute this module to the project.
Mostly to express my thanks for all of your time and effort - and of course, I'd be happy if one day some coder would like to contribute to an admin page; settable options for the saving path of the files; options to restore the content back into the live page; options to delete n-th versions of backed up pages; extend the module for news articles and perhaps even other modules, templates, stylesheets, whatsoever; and whatever else may be of use for the world.

One more down-take next to the -yet- missing features is that the developer who made this for me has done me a great favor diving into CMSms. While he told me that he enjoyed it and found the principles of CMSms very appealing, he does not want to maintain the module. So, unless someone skilled wants to take care of it, it remains as-is.
I have the module only as an expanded version here, not as XML - so I'll attach just the folder as an ZIP to this topic. If you need me to send it somewhere or do another file-format, I'll be happy to try, if I can do it.
I just hope any one has any interest in such a thing as a recycle bin - I missed this feature for many years and am just happy to have at least something.

Thank you!