Please help me

For discussion and questions related to CMS Specific templates and stylesheets (CSS), and themes. or layout issues. This is not a place for generic "I don't know CSS issues"
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Please help me

Post by srimuir »

When I look at my page in FireFox and modify the text size, all of the text on the page gets larger (which is what I want). However, in IE only some of the text gets bigger - the text in the body just gets further apart... Need help.
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Re: Please help me

Post by magallo »

It sounds like you're encountering a compatibility issue with text resizing in Internet Explorer. This could be due to differences in how IE handles text resizing compared to other browsers like Firefox.

- Use Relative Units for Font Size: Make sure you're using relative units like em, rem, or % for font sizes rather than absolute units like px.

- Test with Developer Tools: Use the developer tools in IE to inspect the styles applied to the text elements. Make sure there aren't any specific styles targeting text size that might be interfering with the browser's default text resizing behavior.

- Consider Browser-Specific CSS: If necessary, you might need to apply browser-specific CSS rules using conditional comments or feature detection libraries to target specific styling issues in IE.

- Update to a Modern Browser ?
Magal Hezi
Pixel Solutions, Technology Partners |

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