Web needs to be more community friendly like downloads categorized and rating

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Web needs to be more community friendly like downloads categorized and rating

Post by userwords »

I have stared at modules page like  :-\

im triying to do a web deciding wich modules would help me and found that they are not categorized so is kinda a mess and is missing important descriptions like

how old is the module
when it received last update
a rating system so ppl using them can vote how they like it
number of downloads
and ranking for most downloaded and most voted modules

i want you to read this like what someone that has jus reached this community see it, because i suppose that if you browse all modules lot of times and spend lot of time testing you could find them more friendly but it is really something the kind of user who comes here doesnt want

im just trying to point the kind of obstacle refraining ppl to jump here.

the same could be said about other downloads like themes or tags, they need a revamp to make them more community friendly more feedback more hip and that also will encourage developers to fight to make best modules to get some hiprank.
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Re: Web needs to be more community friendly like downloads categorized and rating

Post by Wishbone »

If you want to see categories, go to:


and scroll down a bit.
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Re: Web needs to be more community friendly like downloads categorized and rating

Post by userwords »

thanks for the point but i still think those downloads and cms made simple web itself need to be revamped, there are ppl asking for others to contribute more here and lot of users asking themselves why this is not most used cms because is great and probably is because the web itself is not so friendly ppl see that bunch of modules they know they will need only a few and looking them one by one without not knowing their acceptance by other users is not wht they want

nice to see that there are latest and rank for some

just want to contribute with my whinning as i dont have the knowledge to do it otherway
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Re: Web needs to be more community friendly like downloads c

Post by jd447 »

I absolutely agree with userword.

And I would like to throw a few ideas of my one:

- could be nice to sort in a "appstore" way (most downloaded, latest update, dev team choice,...)
- would be sweat to have some "starter kits", for example:
-you choose "commercial site" and get a selection of eCommerce modules.
-you choose "sport site" and get a selection of sport modules.

. would be nice to have "important" (for ex: most downloaded) modules in bold.

And finally, why are some modules only available in the forge and not directly in the cms?
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Re: Web needs to be more community friendly like downloads c

Post by tyman00 »

userwords wrote:I have stared at modules page like  :-\

im triying to do a web deciding wich modules would help me and found that they are not categorized so is kinda a mess and is missing important descriptions like

how old is the module
when it received last update
a rating system so ppl using them can vote how they like it
number of downloads
and ranking for most downloaded and most voted modules

i want you to read this like what someone that has jus reached this community see it, because i suppose that if you browse all modules lot of times and spend lot of time testing you could find them more friendly but it is really something the kind of user who comes here doesnt want

im just trying to point the kind of obstacle refraining ppl to jump here.

the same could be said about other downloads like themes or tags, they need a revamp to make them more community friendly more feedback more hip and that also will encourage developers to fight to make best modules to get some hiprank.
I can't disagree with some of the issues. Most of that information is available, so I am not sure what the problem is. Is it because it is not displayed in the searches?

This issue has been discussed numerous times on this board. It ALWAYS boils down to the following:

Option 1.) Numerous complaints about the system, but never any good plans or suggestions are provided.
Option 2.) Some have good plans or suggestions with good intentions to follow through. But often loose interest or can't keep up because it is a massive undertaking.
Option 3.) Finally, we have those that incessantly complain to throw kerosene on the fire but never provide any valuable input or follow through.

It really is a Catch 22.

There is no doubt some efforts could be put into the Module/Theme downloads to make it more user friendly and hope that it will make the system even more popular. However with all of those efforts going into a system for 3rd party modules, the core system gets neglected. When that happens all of the posts about the 3rd party systems are replaced with people complaining about the Core not doing what they expect it to.

There is some hope I suppose, recently I have seen some links from people that fall in the "Option 2" category that aren't loosing interest and are providing some nice options.
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