Navigator not getting processed

For questions and problems with the CMS core. This board is NOT for any 3rd party modules, addons, PHP scripts or anything NOT distributed with the CMS made simple package itself.
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Navigator not getting processed

Post by webform »

I've a really strange problem where the Navigator tag is not getting processed. It's just outputting the raw navigator template code ???

I've tried to use a default core::page template and a blank core::page template with only {content} and {Navigator} tag and the same error on all templates.

If i insert {Navigator template='My Template'} tag on the simplex template the tag is getting processed.

What is going on?

Code: Select all


Cms Version: 2.2.13

Installed Modules:

AdminSearch: 1.0.4
CGBetterForms: 1.10.4
CGCalendar: 2.6.2
CGContentUtils: 2.5.4
CGExtensions: 1.65.1
CGHeadMaster: 1.0.16
CGSimpleSmarty: 2.2.1
CGSmartImage: 1.22.7
CGSnapshot: 1.4
CMSContentManager: 1.1.8
CmsJobManager: 0.1.3
CustomGS: 3.3
DesignManager: 1.1.7
ECB2: 1.5.3
FAQ: 2.1.1
FileManager: 1.6.10
FrontEndUsers: 3.2
Gallery: 2.4.2
JMFilePicker: 1.0.1
MenuManager: 1.50.3
MicroTiny: 2.2.4
ModuleManager: 2.1.7
Navigator: 1.0.9
News: 2.51.8
Search: 1.51.7
SimpleSiteInfo: 3.5.1
SitemapMgr: 1.6

Config Information:

max_upload_size: 256000000
url_rewriting: mod_rewrite
page_extension: /
query_var: page
auto_alias_content: true
set_names: true
timezone: Europe/Copenhagen
permissive_smarty: true

Php Information:

phpversion: 7.2.27
md5_function: On (True)
json_function: On (True)
gd_version: 2
tempnam_function: On (True)
magic_quotes_runtime: Off (False)
E_ALL: 2047
test_file_timedifference: No time difference found
test_db_timedifference: No time difference found
create_dir_and_file: 1
memory_limit: 2048M
max_execution_time: 300
register_globals: Off (False)
output_buffering: On
test_remote_url: Success
file_uploads: On (True)
post_max_size: 256M
upload_max_filesize: 256M
session_save_path: /tmp (0700)
session_use_cookies: On (True)
xml_function: On (True)
xmlreader_class: On (True)
check_ini_set: On (True)
curl: On

Performance Information:

allow_browser_cache: On (True)
browser_cache_expiry: 60
php_opcache: On (True)
smarty_cache: Off (False)
smarty_compilecheck: Off (False)
auto_clear_cache_age: On (True)
Server Information:

Server Software: Apache
Server Api: litespeed
Server Os: Linux 2.6.32-954.3.5.lve1.4.76.el6.x86_64 On x86_64
Server Db Type: MySQL (mysqli)
Server Db Version: 5.7.22
Server Db Grants: Found a "GRANT ALL" statement that appears to be suitable

Permission Information:

tmp: /var/www/ (0777)
tmp_cache: /var/www/ (0777)
templates_c: /var/www/ (0777)
modules: /var/www/ (0755)
uploads: /var/www/ (0777)
File Creation Mask (umask): /var/www/ (0777)
config_file: 0666
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Power Poster
Posts: 460
Joined: Sat Nov 25, 2006 3:39 pm
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Re: Navigator not getting processed

Post by webform »

OK! I've seem to have solved it by clearing system cache, rebuilding routes etc. a couple of times.

Now the Navigator tag is getting processed!

Phew :-[

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