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2.2.7 crashes when changing design

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 4:54 am
by d4creative
Hi all.

I have a recent clean install of CMSMS 2.2.7 (using softaculous by web host).

When trying to change a design, every time I get a blank screen with this address: ... erface.php

When I refresh or confirm the address it returns to a login page. As if my session has been closed.

Any ideas about what this might be or what to look for would be very much appreciated.This is very very close to being my last every attempt at using CMSMS... Just saying. There are far less troublesome options around!

Re: 2.2.7 crashes when changing design

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 8:50 am
by Rolf
When does this happen? When you change design/template in a page in Content Manager?
I don't have a 2.2.7 site anymore, but I can try it in latest...

Can you post your System Information.

Re: 2.2.7 crashes when changing design

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 11:16 am
by d4creative
Yes, when I am in Content Manager and try to select a different design on the options tab. Sorry, I thought that was in my original description.
I have tried changing to different designs that are part of the default installation and they all do this (crash with blank white screen).

System report:

Cms Version: 2.2.7

Installed Modules:

AdminSearch: 1.0.4
CGExtensions: 1.61
CGSimpleSmarty: 2.1.8
CGSmartImage: 1.22.2
CMSContentManager: 1.1.6
CMSMailer: 5.2.14
Captcha: 0.5.5
CmsJobManager: 0.1.2
DesignManager: 1.1.4
FileManager: 1.6.6
FilePicker: 1.0.2
MenuManager: 1.50.3
MicroTiny: 2.2.2
ModuleManager: 2.1.3
Navigator: 1.0.8
News: 2.51.3
Search: 1.51.4

Config Information:

max_upload_size: 10000000
url_rewriting: mod_rewrite
query_var: page
auto_alias_content: true
set_names: true
timezone: Australia/Sydney
permissive_smarty: false

Php Information:

phpversion: 5.6.37
md5_function: On (True)
json_function: On (True)
gd_version: 2
tempnam_function: On (True)
magic_quotes_runtime: Off (False)
E_ALL: 32759
E_STRICT: 2048
test_file_timedifference: No time difference found
test_db_timedifference: No time difference found
create_dir_and_file: 1
memory_limit: 64M
max_execution_time: 60
register_globals: Off (False)
output_buffering: 0
test_remote_url: Success
file_uploads: On (True)
post_max_size: 8M
upload_max_filesize: 10M
session_save_path: /var/cpanel/php/sessions/ea-php56 (1733)
session_use_cookies: On (True)
xml_function: On (True)
xmlreader_class: On (True)
check_ini_set: On (True)
curl: On

Performance Information:

allow_browser_cache: On (True)
browser_cache_expiry: 60
php_opcache: Off (False)
smarty_cache: On (True)
smarty_compilecheck: Off (False)
auto_clear_cache_age: On (True)

Server Information:

Server Software: Apache
Server Api: cgi-fcgi
Server Os: Linux 3.10.0-862.3.3.el7.x86_64 On x86_64
Server Db Type: MySQL (mysqli)
Server Db Version: 5.6.39
Server Db Grants: Found a "GRANT ALL" statement that appears to be suitable

Permission Information:

tmp: /home/classicm/public_html/cmssimple/tmp (0777)
tmp_cache: /home/classicm/public_html/cmssimple/tmp/cache (0777)
templates_c: /home/classicm/public_html/cmssimple/tmp/templates_c (0777)
modules: /home/classicm/public_html/cmssimple/modules (0777)
uploads: /home/classicm/public_html/cmssimple/uploads (0777)
File Creation Mask (umask): /home/classicm/public_html/cmssimple/tmp/cache (0777)
config_file: 0440


Re: 2.2.7 crashes when changing design

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 6:00 pm
by Rolf
I have tried changing to different designs that are part of the default installation and they all do this (crash with blank white screen).
I have tried at a few sites, but works for me here...

White screen means Error 500. Most of the times the servers error log will give more info. Mostly PHP or .htaccess related error.
You can also enable error displaying in cPanel and see it directly in the admin.
And/or enable debug in config.php...

Re: 2.2.7 crashes when changing design

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 9:13 pm
by velden
More than once such errors are caused by mod_security. Ask your hosting provider to check their logs and if indeed caused by mod_security, ask them to either disabled it or make it more CMSMS compatible.

Sometimes you can disable/enable it yourself in the webhosting admin panel.