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Calguys Feedback Module

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2019 12:58 pm
by Cyc
I have a blog and in ever post in my blog I have comment section, the blog become popular and I have all 200 comment. When I try mark as published I must waiting 2-3 minute sometimes php broke processes and I have blank page... Time for published grow up with number of comments.

Re: Calguys Feedback Module

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2019 1:59 pm
by DIGI3
If you're getting a blank screen, there will be something in your php error log.

Also be sure to include complete system information with your post. At the very least we need to know CMSMS version, module version, and PHP version.

Re: Calguys Feedback Module

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2019 4:52 pm
by Cyc
System info:

CMS: 1.12.2
CMSMailer 5.2.14
CGFeedback 1.7.6
FileManager 1.4.5
MenuManager 1.8.7
ModuleManager 1.5.8
ThemeManager 1.1.8
CGSimpleSmarty 1.10
CGExtensions 1.53.19
JQueryTools 1.3.9

Wersja PHP (phpversion) 5.6.40
Funkcja md5 (md5_function) Włączone (Prawda)
Wersja biblioteki GD (gd_version) 2
funkcja tempnam (tempnam_function) Włączone (Prawda)
Magic quotes w funkcji startowej (magic_quotes_runtime) Wyłączone (Fałsz)
Is E_STRICT disabled in error_reporting (E_STRICT)
Is E_DEPRECATED disabled in error_reporting (E_DEPRECATED)
Limit pamięci dla PHP (memory_limit) 512M
Maksymalny czas wykonywania skryptu (max_execution_time) 300
PHP output_buffering (output_buffering) 4096
Tryb bezpieczny PHP (safe_mode) (safe_mode) Wyłączone (Fałsz)
Wgrywanie plików (upload) (file_uploads) Włączone (Prawda)
Maksymalna wielkość danych wysyłanych metodą POST (post_max_size) 512M
Maksymalna wielkość uploadowanego pliku (upload_max_filesize) 512M
Ścieżka zapisu plików sesji (session_save_path) Uwaga Nie sprawdzono, ponieważ open basedir jest aktywny ?
Sessions are allowed to use Cookies (session_use_cookies) Włączone (Prawda)
Podstawowe wsparcie XML (expat) (xml_function) Włączone (Prawda)
Checking for the XMLReader class (xmlreader_class) Włączone (Prawda)
Sprawdzanie czy proces serwera WWW może stworzyć plik w katalogu, który sam stworzył (create_dir_and_file)
disable_functions w PHP (disable_functions) Uwaga system, exec, shell_exec, passthru, popen, dl, proc_open, proc_nice, pcntl_exec ?
PHP Open Basedir (open_basedir) Uwaga /home/compsoul/domains/ ?
Testuj dla zdalnego adresu URL (test_remote_url)
fsockopen: Połączenie ok! Powodzenie
fopen: Połączenie ok! Powodzenie
Testuj ini_set (check_ini_set) Włączone (Prawda)
Test for the curl library (curl) Włączone
Test curl version (curlversion) version 7.62.0, minimum recommended version is 7.19.7

Re: Calguys Feedback Module

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2019 4:57 pm
by DIGI3
Well that's a very old and unsupported version, both of CMSMS and of PHP. It's entirely possible your issue has been fixed in the years since those versions.

For the short term, check your error logs, if you have logging set up properly then there will be an error generated every time you get a blank screen. If you can find the error, you may be able to fix it.

For a proper solution, make sure you upgrade to the latest version of CMSMS, your modules, and PHP. Even if that doesn't fix it, you can then file a bug report and the developer can look into it.

Re: Calguys Feedback Module

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2019 5:01 pm
by Cyc
Ok in future I will upgrade and combine my own website with blog. THANKS for suggest!