Alternative WYSIWYG editor?

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Alternative WYSIWYG editor?

Post by brentnl »


When I make websites for costumers they sometimes complain about TinyMCE. Especially for blogs they often are struggling with the styling of text. And I understand their 'pain', sometimes I have to turn of the 'wysiwyg'view as well to delete some <span> or <h1>'s which occurred at the wrong spot, or doesn't want to be removed. Lists also can be a pain in the ass for non-html users.

Is there any foolproof-editor available for CMSMS? As far as I know TinyMCE and MicroTiny are the only two available.
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Re: Alternative WYSIWYG editor?

Post by DIGI3 »

I've tried half a dozen of the leading ones in different CMS's, and they all come with their issues, I doubt there's a 'perfect' solution.

I try to set up my templates so the end user has to do as little text formatting as possible. I definitely don't want them choosing fonts or colours, unless I give them a specific style to choose from. I haven't really had anyone have problems with lists or headings though.

CMSMS does allow for third-party editor modules, so you can either develop one or sponsor the development of one. You might even be able to crowdfund it if you find some other users interested.
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