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Temporary code for resetting password invalid

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 3:10 am
by postiffm
Just did a fresh install of FrontEndUsers and SelfRegistration. Created some users with self-registration. Then tried the lost my password feature. It sends me an email, I click the link, something like


I input my new password twice. Then upon Submit, I get this message:

Verify your identity

Sorry, It appears that the temporary code you received for resetting your password is now invalid (temporary codes can only be used once). Please try again.

That seems wrong because I never used the code before, and it was only generated less than a minute earlier.

Any ideas?

Cms Version: 1.12.1
Installed Modules:
News: 2.15.2
CSSMenu: 1.2.2
TinyMCE: 2.8.4
JSCookMenu: .02
PHPLayers: 1.1
FileManager: 1.4.5
Printing: 1.1.2
CMSMailer: 5.2.2
MenuManager: 1.8.7
CGSimpleSmarty: 1.9.1
CGExtensions: 1.49.7
CGBlog: 1.13.1
CGFeedMaker: 1.0.20
FrontEndUsers: 1.30.4
Captcha: 0.5.2
SelfRegistration: 1.9.3
SiteMapMadeSimple: 1.2.8
CMSPrinting: 1.0.5
MicroTiny: 1.2.9
ModuleManager: 1.5.8
Search: 1.7.13
ThemeManager: 1.1.8
CMSForms: 1.11.2
JQueryTools: 1.3.7
VisitorStats: 0.3.3
CustomContent: 1.10

Config Information:
max_upload_size: 2000000
url_rewriting: mod_rewrite
query_var: page
image_manipulation_prog: GD
auto_alias_content: true
default_encoding: utf-8
admin_encoding: utf-8
set_names: true

Php Information:
phpversion: 5.4.13
md5_function: On (True)
gd_version: 2
tempnam_function: On (True)
magic_quotes_runtime: Off (False)
E_STRICT: 2048
memory_limit: 128M
max_execution_time: 30
output_buffering: 4096
safe_mode: Off (False)
file_uploads: On (True)
post_max_size: 8M
upload_max_filesize: 2M
session_save_path: /tmp (1777)
session_use_cookies: On (True)
xml_function: On (True)
xmlreader_class: On (True)

Server Information:
Server Api: cgi-fcgi
Server Db Type: MySQL (mysql)
Server Db Version: 5.6.23
Server Db Grants: Found a "GRANT ALL" statement that appears to be suitable
Server Time Diff: No filesystem time difference found


Re: Temporary code for resetting password invalid

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 5:21 am
by staartmees
I can confirm this problem. I'll make a bug report.

Re: Temporary code for resetting password invalid

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 5:33 am
by staartmees