unsolved problems - Module Company Directory

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unsolved problems - Module Company Directory

Post by Sakrow »

Hi all.

warning, my English is very bad, I will try to express myself best

I've been looking for a long time how to solve several problems I have with the module CompanyDirectory, but I could not solve this.

Situation: I'm using CompanyDirectory a guide to neighborhood shops

Linux debian 6
MySQL - 5.1.66
PHP - 5.3.3-7
CMSMS - 1.11.5 "Puerto Ayora"
CompanyDirectory - 1.17.5
JQueryTools - 1.2.5
CGSimpleSmarty - 1.6.1
CGExtensions - 1.32.4
Using Pretty URLs


Problem 1: Find shops with a search box.

Possible solution: Use this - {search search_method = "post" SearchText = "What do you look for in Vallecas?" submit = "Search" modules = "CompanyDirectory"}

If I remove "modules" appear searches. Only YouTubePlayer module.

I've seen in helping CompanyDirectory that there is a template search, but I could not make it work, when I hit the code page is not loaded, stays in

Code: Select all

  <div class="row">
    <p class="col30">{$mod->Lang('name')}</p>
    <p class="col70">
And nothing appears more


Problem 2: sitemap.xml generated with "SiteMapMadeSimple" and do not seem to shops CompanyDirectory module

Possible solution: I tried to create it by hand, but the people who will use the site, do not have knowledge to do

I got something like this:
{CompanyDirectory summarytemplate="sitemap"}

Code: Select all

{if isset($messages)}
<div class="CompanyDirectoryMessage">
   {foreach from=$messages item='one'}

{if isset($errors)}
<div class="CompanyDirectoryError">
   {foreach from=$errors item='one'}

{if isset($items)}
  {if isset($firstlink) || isset($nextlink)}
  {if isset($firstlink)}{$firstlink}&nbsp;{$prevlink}&nbsp;&nbsp;{/if}{$pagetext} {$curpage} {$oftext} {$pagecount}
  {if isset($nextlink)}&nbsp;&nbsp;{$nextlink}&nbsp;{$lastlink}{/if}

  {foreach from=$items item=entry}
<lastmod>{current_date format="%Y-%m-%d"}</lastmod>
Then, I tried to include it in the module SitemapMadeSimple

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
{* Note: Web crawlers usually discover pages from links within the site and from other sites. Sitemaps supplement this data to allow crawlers that support Sitemaps to pick up all URLs in the Sitemap and learn about those URLs using the associated metadata.  It is not strictly necessary to use a sitemap on a well designed site.  This is just an aide to the web crawlers in finding data from your website. *}
<urlset xmlns="http://www.google.com/schemas/sitemap/0.9"

{foreach from=$output item='page'}

{CompanyDirectory summarytemplate="sitemap"}
But do not write in sitemap

I hope someone can help me solve these problems or at least to find some alternative solution.

If you need more information please ask.

thank you very much
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