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Formulario por duplicado al enviar sin completar campos req.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 12:22 am
by XenonSP

Utilizo FormBuilder 0.7.3 sobre Made Simple 1.11.2 con el template BizBuzz.
Mi problema es que, al enviar el formulario con un campo requerido sin completar se me muestra dos veces el formulario, una indicando que "versión" con los errores al lado y otra limpia. En la captura podéis verlo mejor.

Por otra parte, me gustaría especificar el ancho de la caja de texto que viene por defecto (input size=30).

Saludos y gracias!

Re: Formulario por duplicado al enviar sin completar campos

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 10:48 am
by XenonSP
Adjunto el código html del formulario de envío. No consigo saber qué es lo que llama a mostrar el formulario ahí de nuevo...
<__script__ type="text/javascript">
function fbht(htid)
var fbhtc=document.getElementById(htid);
if (fbhtc)
if ( == 'none')
{ = 'inline';
{ = 'none';
{if $fb_form_done == 1}
{* This first section is for displaying submission errors *}
{if isset($fb_submission_error) && $fb_submission_error}
<div class="error_message">{$fb_submission_error}</div>
{if isset($fb_show_submission_errors) && $fb_show_submission_errors}
<div class="error">
{foreach from=$fb_submission_error_list item=thisErr}
{* this section is for displaying the form *}
{* we start with validation errors *}
{if isset($fb_form_has_validation_errors) && $fb_form_has_validation_errors}
<div class="error_message">
{foreach from=$fb_form_validation_errors item=thisErr}
{if isset($captcha_error) && $captcha_error}
<div class="error_message">{$captcha_error}</div>

{* and now the form itself *}
<div{if $css_class != ''} class="{$css_class}"{/if}>
{if $total_pages gt 1}<span>{$title_page_x_of_y}</span>{/if}
{foreach from=$fields item=entry}
{if $entry->display == 1}
{if $entry->needs_div == 1}
{if $entry->required == 1 || $entry->css_class != '' || $entry->valid == 0} class="
{if $entry->required == 1}required{/if}
{if $entry->css_class != ''} {$entry->css_class}{/if}
{if $entry->valid == 0} fb_invalid{/if}
{if $entry->hide_name == 0}
<label{if $entry->multiple_parts != 1} for="{$entry->input_id}"{/if}>{$entry->name}
{if $entry->required_symbol != ''}
{if $entry->multiple_parts == 1}
{section name=numloop loop=$entry->input}
{if $entry->label_parts == 1}
<div>{$entry->input[numloop]->input} {$entry->input[numloop]->name}</div>
{if isset($entry->input[numloop]->op) && $entry->input[numloop]->op}{$entry->input[numloop]->op}{/if}
{if $entry->smarty_eval == '1'}{eval var=$entry->input}{else}{$entry->input}{/if}
{if $entry->helptext != ''} <a href="javascript:fbht('{$entry->field_helptext_id}')"><img src="modules/FormBuilder/images/info-small.gif" alt="Help" /></a>
<span id="{$entry->field_helptext_id}" style="display:none">{$entry->helptext}</span>{/if}
{if $entry->valid == 0} {/if}
{if $entry->needs_div == 1}
{if $has_captcha == 1}
<div class="captcha">{$graphic_captcha}{$title_captcha}<br />{$input_captcha}</div>
<div class="submit">{$prev}{$submit}</div>