MicroTiny does not work after upgrading to CMSms 2.2

Help with getting the CMS CORE package up and running. This does not include 3rd party modules, PHP scripts, anything downloaded via module manager or from any external source.
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MicroTiny does not work after upgrading to CMSms 2.2

Post by reinhardmohr »

I hope this is the right forum for reporting a problem: I just upgraded my site from 2.1.6 to 2.2. Everything worked like a charm – thanks to the developers!
But when I logged in and tried to edit a page and also an instance of LISE module I noticed that MicroTiny didn't work any more. I deactivated and even uninstalled MicroTiny, I logged out and in again, I flushed the cache repeatedly – nothing helped. There just was no WYSIWYG-Toolbar but just plain HTML to edit.
When I switched to TinyMCE everything worked again. Even switching between TinyMCE and MicroTiny did not help – MicroTiny does not work.

Maybe someone can help?

Here is my configuration:

Code: Select all

Cms Version: 2.2
Installed Modules:
AceEditor2: 1.05
AdminSearch: 1.0.3
CGBlog: 1.14.4
CGExtensions: 1.55.4
CGExtensions: 1.55.4
CGFeedback: 1.8.3
CGJobMgr: 1.3.4
CGSharedContent: 1.0.1
CGSimpleSmarty: 2.1.6
CMSContentManager: 1.1.5
CMSMailer: 6.2.14
CmsJobManager: 0.1
CustomContent: 1.10
DesignManager: 1.1.2
ExaExternalizer: 0.6
FileBackup: 0.5
FileManager: 1.6.3
FilePicker: 1.0.alpha
FrontEndUsers: 2.4.1
Gallery: 1.4.1
JM_Forum: 1.0.27.b
LISE: 1.2.3
LISEReinhardsAkkordeon: 1.2.3
LISESEOAkkordeon: 1.2.3
MenuManager: 1.50.3
MicroTiny: 2.1
ModuleManager: 2.1
MysqlDump: 1.4.0
Navigator: 1.0.6
News: 2.51
Quotes2: 1.1.0
Search: 1.51.1
Showtime2: 3.5.3
SiteMapMadeSimple: 1.2.8
TemplateExternalizer: 2.1.6
ThemeManager: 1.1.8
TinyMCE: 3.1.4
btAdminer: 4.2.5

Config Information:
max_upload_size: 50000000
url_rewriting: mod_rewrite
page_extension: .html
query_var: page
auto_alias_content: true
locale: de_DE.UTF-8
set_names: true
timezone: Europe/Berlin
permissive_smarty: false

Php Information:
phpversion: 5.6.30
md5_function: An (Ja)
json_function: An (Ja)
gd_version: 2
tempnam_function: An (Ja)
magic_quotes_runtime: Aus (Nein)
E_ALL: 4433
test_file_timedifference: No time difference found
test_db_timedifference: No time difference found
create_dir_and_file: 1
memory_limit: 128M
max_execution_time: 180
register_globals: Aus (Nein)
output_buffering: 0
test_remote_url: Erfolgreich abgeschlossen
file_uploads: An (Ja)
post_max_size: 51M
upload_max_filesize: 50M
session_save_path: /tmp (1777)
session_use_cookies: An (Ja)
xml_function: An (Ja)
xmlreader_class: An (Ja)
check_ini_set: An (Ja)
curl: An

Performance Information:
allow_browser_cache: An (Ja)
browser_cache_expiry: 60
php_opcache: An (Ja)
smarty_cache: Aus (Nein)
smarty_compilecheck: Aus (Nein)
auto_clear_cache_age: An (Ja)
Server Information:
Server Software: Apache
Server Api: cgi-fcgi
Server Os: Linux 4.4.52-10.1.x86_64 An x86_64
Server Db Type: MySQL (mysqli)
Server Db Version: 5.5.52
Server Db Grants: „Alles gewähren“-Anweisung gefunden, die als geeignet scheint

Permission Information:
tmp: /pages/81/e2/d0013149/home/htdocs/tmp (0755)
tmp_cache: /pages/81/e2/d0013149/home/htdocs/tmp/cache (0755)
templates_c: /pages/81/e2/d0013149/home/htdocs/tmp/templates_c (0755)
modules: /pages/81/e2/d0013149/home/htdocs/modules (0755)
uploads: /pages/81/e2/d0013149/home/htdocs/uploads (0755)
Maske zum Erstellen von Dateien (umask): /pages/81/e2/d0013149/home/htdocs/tmp/cache (0755)
config_file: 0444
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Re: MicroTiny does not work after upgrading to CMSms 2.2

Post by calguy1000 »

This is already fixed in svn. We caught it this morning.
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