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CGBlog setup [solved]

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 8:43 pm
by master3395
I wonder if anyone knows why CGBlog can't show articles, on any themes.

I've tried with the default cms themes, but I've not got ANY of my published news on a content page.

I've tried both codes below, but 0 showing on the front page.
BUT if i enable "show all regardless of status", they show all.
Picture below: ... ba1b8b.png

The image below is showing how it's looking on the website: ... 1d3711.png


{CGBlog number="3"}

Below is how CGBlog looks in the admin panel: ... 4014d6.png

Below is how it looks in content page: ... 567a0a.png

Re: CGBlog setup

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 10:55 pm
by Rolf
At the content page, switch WYSIWYG off.
What is in the content text area?

Re: CGBlog setup

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 10:59 pm
by master3395
The last "news number" is just to see the difference between CGBlog and News module.

Code: Select all

<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>Below is CGBlog</p>
<p>{CGBlog number="3"}</p>
<p>Below is News module.</p>
<p>{news number="3" summarytemplate="NewsMaster-news-summary"}</p>
Rolf wrote:At the content page, switch WYSIWYG off.
What is in the content text area?

Re: CGBlog setup

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 11:28 pm
by Rolf
I asked what is in the *text area* of the content page after disabling WYSIWYG

Re: CGBlog setup

Posted: Thu May 17, 2018 7:54 am
by velden
I think you should REALLY start troubleshooting by:

- starting with a basic/sample PAGE template
- check your (PAGE) templates. If I take a look at the output (view source) of the webpage I notice it's not valid html (to say the least).

Note that CMSMS splits a page template into several sections (top, head, body) for processing.

Re: CGBlog setup

Posted: Thu May 17, 2018 4:25 pm
by master3395
Not sure if this is 100% correct, as you said "text area" ... bede43.png ... b7ec95.png

Below is my Template.

Code: Select all

{extends file='cms_template:NewsMasterHead'}

{block name='top-bar'}


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</__body{load_background rooturl={root_url}}>


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<div class="medium-4 columns">
 <font color="black"><p class="lead">TRENDING POSTS</p></font>
{news summarytemplate="NewsMaster-news-summary-more" number="1"}
 <font color="black"><p class="lead">TRENDING POSTS</p></font>
{news summarytemplate="NewsMaster-news-summary-more" number="1"}

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<div class="row">
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<div class="two-third-column maincontent">
{content assign=content}
{if $page_alias == 'home'}
<div class="split-column form-size-content">

  <div class="large-4 columns">


<div class="three-column">

<div class="split-column sideblog">
{Widgets category='Announcements'}

{FormBuilder form='adsandnoads'}

{global_content name='NewsMaster-share' assign="shareblok"}
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<div class="split-column search sideblog">             
<h3>Like and share our site</h3>      
<div class="likebutton">{$shareblok}</div>                

<div class="split-column sideblog">
{CGBlog action=browsecat summarytemplate=somesummary detailtemplate=somedetail detailpage=mydetailpage pagelimit=25 sortby=cgblog_extra sortorder=asc}

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<div class="split-column sideblog">
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Rolf wrote:I asked what is in the *text area* of the content page after disabling WYSIWYG

Re: CGBlog setup

Posted: Fri May 18, 2018 7:10 am
by Rolf
Why do you have the <__html <head </__body stuff in the textarea??? This should be in the core Page template!
The page text area should only contain the CGBlog module tag, etc.

Re: CGBlog setup

Posted: Fri May 18, 2018 10:34 am
by master3395
The html part comes from a module called tinymce

Re: CGBlog setup

Posted: Fri May 18, 2018 11:07 am
by Rolf
Well, it shouldn't be there!!
Let WYSIWYG off, remove the redundant code and try again.

Re: CGBlog setup

Posted: Fri May 18, 2018 2:55 pm
by master3395
I removed the code, and turned it off.
Still no output on the front end.
Unless i turn on "show all regardless of status".
Rolf wrote:Well, it shouldn't be there!!
Let WYSIWYG off, remove the redundant code and try again.

Re: CGBlog setup

Posted: Fri May 18, 2018 5:32 pm
by Jo Morg
Although the module's help is not clear about this keep in mind that, usually, in Smarty anything enclosed in double quotes is treated as a string and evaluated as a Smarty template. This has two effects:
- it slows down processing: it may not be noticeable on a single instance but given a loop or a high number of occurrences it will be;
- "FALSE" is not the same as FALSE: the first will be a string the other a Boolean. Numbers enclosed in quotes (whether double or not) may not be evaluated as numbers so "3" may not be the same as 3;

This also depends on the way the module handles the values internally. A few rules of thumb:
- use single quotes for text values unless you want the evaluated by Smarty;
- use double quotes for values you want evaluated by Smarty;
- don't use quotes for integers;

So... try {CGBlog number=3} . If that doesn't work you surelly have bigger problems to solve.

Re: CGBlog setup

Posted: Sat May 19, 2018 8:04 pm
by master3395
Thanks Rolf and Jo Morg, i figured out my issue...
I had enabled something i should not have done...

The button i activated is below, and it removed all active, and only showed expired...

Code: Select all

"Show Archived Articles:

If enabled, only articles that have expired and would not normally show are displayed. This option is ignored if showall is selected"

Re: CGBlog setup

Posted: Sat May 19, 2018 9:22 pm
by master3395
I can't make the first post say [Solved]
As i can't edit it anymore.