UDT fails after 2.21 update: access denied for user

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Andrew Prior
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UDT fails after 2.21 update: access denied for user

Post by Andrew Prior »

I have used a UDT called

Code: Select all

which I found in the forums several years ago. It uses the data from CGFeedback.

This has stopped working in the upgrade to 2.2.1 from 2.2

The error is
"Access denied for user 'mansweb'@'localhost' (using password: NO)"

I have checked the user has full privileges for the database and reset these, just in case.

The code is below, if any one could alert me to anything obvious; I am largely ignorant of mySql.

Testimonals Code

Code: Select all

if(isset($params['num'])) {
      $num = $params['num'];

$testimonial_resource = mysql_query("

SELECT title as title, author_name as author, data as quote, origurl as url, created from cms_module_cgfeedback_comments WHERE status='published' ORDER  BY created DESC

") or die(mysql_error());

while ($testimonial = mysql_fetch_assoc($testimonial_resource)) {
#echo '<p>'.{$show|summarize:3}.'<br /><strong>'.$testimonial['author'].'</strong></p>';
My thanks to anyone who can help. Andrew

Cms Version: 2.2.1
Installed Modules:
AdminSearch: 1.0.3
Album: 1.11
CGExtensions: 1.55.6
CGFeedMaker: 1.0.20
CGFeedback: 1.8.3
CGJobMgr: 1.3.4
CGSimpleSmarty: 2.1.6
CMSContentManager: 1.1.5
CMSMailer: 6.2.14
Captcha: 0.5.5
CmsJobManager: 0.1
DesignManager: 1.1.2
FileManager: 1.6.3
FilePicker: 1.0.alpha
MenuManager: 1.50.3
MicroTiny: 2.1.1
ModuleManager: 2.1
NMS: 2.12.2
Navigator: 1.0.6
News: 2.51.1
Printing: 1.1.2
Search: 1.51.1
Showtime2: 3.5.4
SiteMapMadeSimple: 1.2.8
ThemeManager: 1.1.8
TinyMCE: 3.2-beta1
nuSOAP: 1.0.2

Config Information:
max_upload_size: 8000000
url_rewriting: mod_rewrite
page_extension: .html
query_var: page
auto_alias_content: true
set_names: false
timezone: Australia/Adelaide
permissive_smarty: true

Php Information:
phpversion: 5.5.38
md5_function: On (True)
json_function: On (True)
gd_version: 2
tempnam_function: On (True)
magic_quotes_runtime: Off (False)
E_ALL: 32767
E_STRICT: 2048
test_file_timedifference: No time difference found
test_db_timedifference: No time difference found
create_dir_and_file: 1
memory_limit: 128M
max_execution_time: 30
register_globals: Off (False)
output_buffering: 4096
disable_functions: show_source, system, shell_exec, passthru, exec, popen, proc_open
test_remote_url: Success
file_uploads: On (True)
post_max_size: 8M
upload_max_filesize: 8M
session_save_path: /tmp (0700)
session_use_cookies: On (True)
xml_function: On (True)
xmlreader_class: On (True)
check_ini_set: On (True)
curl: On

Performance Information:
allow_browser_cache: Off (False)
browser_cache_expiry: 30
php_opcache: Off (False)
smarty_cache: Off (False)
smarty_compilecheck: Off (False)
auto_clear_cache_age: On (True)
Server Information:
Server Software: Apache
Server Api: cgi-fcgi
Server Os: Linux 3.10.0-614.10.2.lve1.4.55.el7.x86_64 On x86_64
Server Db Type: MySQL (mysqli)
Server Db Version: 5.6.35
Server Db Grants: Found a "GRANT ALL" statement that appears to be suitable

Permission Information:
tmp: /home/mansweb/public_html/tmp (0755)
tmp_cache: /home/mansweb/public_html/tmp/cache (0755)
templates_c: /home/mansweb/public_html/tmp/templates_c (0755)
modules: /home/mansweb/public_html/modules (0755)
uploads: /home/mansweb/public_html/uploads (0775)
File Creation Mask (umask): /home/mansweb/public_html/tmp/cache (0755)
config_file: 0444
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Re: UDT fails after 2.21 update: access denied for user

Post by velden »

Hard to believe it's related with CMSMS and/or the upgrade. The error is quite obvious, it's originating from mysql.

In the UDT I don't see you setting up the connection to the database and you're not using the connection CMSMS already made (which would be preferable).

The error also notes the connection is made without password (I'm still wondering where the connection is setup).
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