
Hilfe zu Modulen und Tags
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Post by christian7 »

Hallo CMSMS-Freunde,

ich kämpfe wieder mit einem alten Problem und bekomm es immer noch nicht hin. Alte Programmversion - 1.6 oder so - wollen aber nicht updaten ;D
Wir haben auf unserer Seite 2 Menüs. Eines horizontal, eines vertikal. Wollten im oberen, horizontalen einen Punkt einfügen als externen Link mit Target=blank, öffnet sich aber immer im gleichen Fenster. Im linken, vertikalen Menü klappt es.
Hier das horizontale Menü

Code: Select all

{* CSS classes used in this template:
.activeparent - The top level parent when a child is the active/current page
li.active0n h3 - n is the depth/level of the node. To style the active page for each level separately. The active page is not clickable.
.clearfix - Used for the unclickable h3 to use the entire width of the li, just like the anchors. See the Tools stylesheet in the default CMSMS installation.
li.sectionheader h3 - To style section header
li.separator - To style the ruler for the separator *} 

{if $count > 0}
{foreach from=$nodelist item=node}
{if $node->depth > $node->prevdepth}
{repeat string="<ul>" times=$node->depth-$node->prevdepth}
{elseif $node->depth < $node->prevdepth}
{repeat string="</li></ul>" times=$node->prevdepth-$node->depth}
{elseif $node->index > 0}</li>

{if $node->parent == true or ($node->current == true and $node->haschildren == true)}
<li id="current"><a href="{$node->url}"><span>{$node->menutext}</span></a>

{elseif $node->haschildren == true and $node->type != 'sectionheader' and $node->type != 'separator'}
<li><a href="{$node->url}"><span>{$node->menutext}</span></a>

{elseif $node->current == true}
<li id="current"><a href="{$node->url}"><span>{$node->menutext}</span></a>

{elseif $node->type == 'sectionheader'}
<li class="sectionheader"><span>{$node->menutext}</span>

{elseif $node->type == 'separator'}
<li class="separator" style="list-style-type: none;"> <hr />

<li><a href="{$node->url}"><span>{$node->menutext}</span></a>


{repeat string="</li></ul>" times=$node->depth-1}</li>
Hier das vertikale Menü

Code: Select all

{* CSS classes used in this template:
.activeparent - The top level parent when a child is the active/current page
li.active0n h3 - n is the depth/level of the node. To style the active page for each level separately. The active page is not clickable.
.clearfix - Used for the unclickable h3 to use the entire width of the li, just like the anchors. See the Tools stylesheet in the default CMSMS installation.
li.sectionheader h3 - To style section header
li.separator - To style the ruler for the separator *} 

{if $count > 0}
{foreach from=$nodelist item=node}
{if $node->depth > $node->prevdepth}
{repeat string="<ul>" times=$node->depth-$node->prevdepth}
{elseif $node->depth < $node->prevdepth}
{repeat string="</li></ul>" times=$node->prevdepth-$node->depth}
{elseif $node->index > 0}</li>

{if $node->parent == true or ($node->current == true and $node->haschildren == true)}
<li class="menuactive menuparent"><a class="menuactive menuparent" href="{$node->url}"><span>{$node->menutext}</span></a>

{elseif $node->haschildren == true and $node->type != 'sectionheader' and $node->type != 'separator'}
<li class="parent"><a class="parent" href="{$node->url}"><span>{$node->menutext}</span></a>

{elseif $node->current == true}
<li class="currentpage"><h3><span>{$node->menutext}</span></h3>

{elseif $node->type == 'sectionheader'}
<li class="sectionheader"><span>{$node->menutext}</span>

{elseif $node->type == 'separator'}
<li class="separator" style="list-style-type: none;"> <hr />

<li><a href="{$node->url}" {if $node->target != ''} target="{$node->target}"{/if}><span>{$node->menutext}</span></a>


{repeat string="</li></ul>" times=$node->depth-1}</li>
Wenn ich den Code für das vertikale ins horizontale Menü einsetze geht es immer noch nicht. Hatte das Problem schon vor ein paar Jahren gepostet, komme aber nicht mehr auf die Lösung - im linken Menü gehts ja auch.
Menüpunkt ist Gaststätte. Seite ist
Wo ist unser Fehler?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Christian
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