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Section header not working properly, I think

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 10:34 pm
by Sponsi

Look at
this is a developmental version of my latest page.

I have this menu "oferta" and it's supposed to be a section header (btw I hope I choose the proper way to do everything I need) which rolls down with some options. Now when I'm in any other parent menu, it works OK - the "oferta" object is not a link (this is what section header is for, right?), but when I'm in the child of this "oferta", the parent is made into a link (it comes back to index, the link is a hash). How can I make it without link for children?
Should I add jquery to make hash non existent? I used to do something like this in Wordpress.

Or maybe it's a wrong option? What I want to achieve is I want the parent not to be a link.
Do you think I should edit the menu template? How do I do that? I need <a> there because then it would not work with rolling down, right?

Hope you guys understand me and can help me.


The client wanted the subpage back. But still, maybe you guys can help me with the issue for the future? The website has changed, though.

Re: Section header not working properly, I think

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 8:00 am
by velden
You could create an <a> without a href or name attribute.

But there are some Javascript menus too that make it work: for example.