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Content Builder Feature

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 11:05 pm
by rbaby
Hi guys,

Thanks for all your work! I wanted to make a suggestion on a feature that would help make CMSMS more user-friendly to non-technical content managers: content builder.

I saw it on WordPress and thought this would be great--I'm sure you could replicate the functionality with available modules now (would love to know how), but having something built-in with page management would be pretty amazing.

To be able to add new rows that can split into columns and then add content types (image, header, paragraph) within each column that have predefined styles/containers/templates and all the editor has to do is fill out the form and they won't screw with anything else and it sticks it all in the content body piece. With the screenshot I've attached, you could drag each content type into different rows/columns and reorder at will.

This would really be a huge huge help to ensure sites look good when you've got multiple folks who don't even know HTML have the flexibility to build their content as needed.

Thank you guys. PS if anyone would build this module for me, I'm happy to pay for it!