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Errors in cache?

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 5:47 am
by von-hamster
I try to do next:

Code: Select all

if (!$this->IsFileTemplateCached($template, '', '', $name)) {
       // some prepare code
echo $this->ProcessTemplate($template, '', true, $name);
But it's not work.

In core code i found this:


Code: Select all

function ProcessTemplate($tpl_name, $designation = '', $cache = false, $cacheid = '')
// ________________ Here cache is force off: $cache = false. I think, '= false' - is error _____________
		return cms_module_ProcessTemplate($this, $tpl_name, $designation, $cache = false, $cacheid);

Code: Select all

function cms_module_IsFileTemplateCached(&$modinstance, $tpl_name, $designation = '', $timestamp = '', $cacheid = '')
	$ok = (strpos($tpl_name, '..') === false);
	if (!$ok) return;

	global $gCms;
	$smarty = &$gCms->GetSmarty();
	$oldcache = $smarty->caching;

// _______________ here force cache off ___________________
	$smarty->caching = false;

// _______________ and then check for cache - for what??? May be: $smarty->caching = true; ___________
	$result = $smarty->is_cached('module_file_tpl:'.$modinstance->GetName().';'.$tpl_name, $cacheid, ($designation != ''?$designation:$modinstance->GetName()));

	if ($result == true && $timestamp != '' && intval($smarty->_cache_info['timestamp']) < intval($timestamp))
		$smarty->clear_cache('module_file_tpl:'.$modinstance->GetName().';'.$tpl_name, $cacheid, ($designation != ''?$designation:$modinstance->GetName()));
		$result = false;

	$smarty->caching = $oldcache;
	return $result;

function cms_module_ProcessTemplate(&$modinstance, $tpl_name, $designation = '', $cache = false, $cacheid = '')
	$ok = (strpos($tpl_name, '..') === false);
	if (!$ok) return;

	global $gCms;
	$smarty = &$gCms->GetSmarty();

	$oldcache = $smarty->caching;

// _______________ And here may be: $smarty->caching = $cache; ?____________________
	$smarty->caching = false;

	$result = $smarty->fetch('module_file_tpl:'.$modinstance->GetName().';'.$tpl_name, $cacheid, ($designation != ''?$designation:$modinstance->GetName()));
	$smarty->caching = $oldcache;

	return $result;
PS... Sorry for my english  :)

Re: Errors in cache?

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 1:43 pm
by alby
von-hamster wrote: I try to do next:
thank you
this must be checked, but remember that all modules (recent at least) using DB templates and not file


Re: Errors in cache?

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 2:08 pm
by von-hamster
I use files, it's easier for me...