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Khronos Template, the link to all events from 1 day

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 9:38 pm
by janvl

i have managed to adjust my templates.
I show small calendars for the next three month's at the side of a page and if there are events the daynumber is fat and a link.
The Link is the following where $x is the day number
<a href="{$evurl}">{$x}</a>

My problem is that if i click that link i get only 1 event even if there are more.

I could solve it by tranferring the day, the month and the year in a PHP-URL and extract it in the targetpage by using $GET,
then make a Tag for Khronos that uses the day, month and year transferred over the URL

Is there a variable like "$dayurl" or a better (simpler) methode?
