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2.1.5 Expanded Install

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 5:43 pm
by simetz
I am installing a brand new instance of CMSMS on a Dreamhost server which is running PHP 5.5.

I attempted to use the PHAR version but kept receiving an error.
I then downloaded the

I FTP'ed that using Filezilla (binary transfer) into a folder name "cmsms_install"

I then navigate to the URL http://[sitename]/cmsms_install/ and I still get PHAR error: Fatal error: Class 'Phar' not found in /home/simonm/[sitename]/cmsms_install/app/class.cms_install.php on line 217

Also an additional question. I have another site where I have done a lot of work on styling, I made an exact copy of the database and created a new mySQL db for the new site. Should this work?? if not what's the best way to leverage all the styling in my other site without copy and pasting all the templates and CSS?

Re: 2.1.5 Expanded Install

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 8:26 pm
by velden
Phar must be supported by your hosting provider for both the installers.

Re: 2.1.5 Expanded Install

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 11:42 am
by paulbaker
simetz wrote:what's the best way to leverage all the styling in my other site without copy and pasting all the templates and CSS?
I would make a copy of the other site and work from there, changing it as necessary. Copying a site is fairly straightforward: