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[solved] Admin page generates 500 error

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 3:14 pm
by HarryCornelius
OK, sort of solved. I ended up deleting the whole admin folder and re-uploading one from an older installation, and it now works. No idea why, but as the respondent says something to do with .htaccess.
The .htaccess file was not present in the older installation's admin folder. I'm sure someone else can come up with a better explanation.


I have set up a development site using CMSMS V.1.11.6, and have spent 6 months getting everything working.

I now need to transfer it to the hosting company who are providing the hosting for the customer, I have no option on this.

Everything went fine, and the site works no problem.
It's running on Linux, PHP V.5.5.9-1ubuntu4.9, MySQL 5.5.43

However, when I try to access the back-end admin function I get a 500 Internal Server Error. I've chmodded everything to 775, but it still doesn't work.

I've noticed in the admin folder there is a .htaccess file, and tried deleting it, but it still doesn't work. The information in this .htaccess looks like it is referencing information that related to my development site:

AuthUserFile /home/linweb20/c/
AuthGroupFile /home/linweb20/c/

Could this be why I am unable to log in? If so, does anyone know how I can find out what these lines should read instead?

Am I missing something else obvious (likely)

Many thanks,

Re: Admin page generates 500 error

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 4:19 pm
by Rolf