[fixed] Requested deactivated module MenuManager

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Jean le Chauve

[fixed] Requested deactivated module MenuManager

Post by Jean le Chauve »

During a new installation (2.0-beta2 “NO_NAME_SeT_9656-Fr), MenuManager obsolete module is installed then it is useless. The system then tries to disable it when accessing a page from the administration DesignManager module (why many times, I do not know). One of those deactivations is the largest time-consuming and slows down the display of the page.
By completely removing this module, no deactivation request is called.
I guess this module is always present to not break an update from 1.11, but why is it installed on a new installation?
Jean le Chauve

Re: Requested deactivated module MenuManager

Post by Jean le Chauve »

Part of the debug log (total : 6 occurrences with 'Requested deactivated module MenuManager') :

Code: Select all

Debug: (0.5625) - (usage: 4788080) - (peak: 4891496) 
Loaded F:\Sites\Test\cmsmadesimple200/modules/MenuManager/MenuManager.module.php (12278) = 96408 bytes for an approximate total of 3081192 
Debug: (0.5625) - (usage: 4787840) - (peak: 4891496) 
Requested deactivated module MenuManager 
Debug: (0.5625) - (usage: 4788088) - (peak: 4891496) 
Requested deactivated module MenuManager 
Debug: (0.5625) - (usage: 4788376) - (peak: 4891496) 
Requested deactivated module MenuManager 
Debug: (0.5625) - (usage: 4788624) - (peak: 4891496) 
Requested deactivated module MenuManager 
Debug: (0.59375) - (usage: 4827576) - (peak: 4913000) 
Loaded F:\Sites\Test\cmsmadesimple200\lib\classes\class.CmsLayoutTemplateCategory.php (9124) = 37760 bytes for an approximate total of 3118952
Debug: (2.9375) - (usage: 7804336) - (peak: 7881488) 
(mysqli): SELECT username, password, active, first_name, last_name, admin_access, email FROM cms_users WHERE user_id = 1 
Debug: (4.265625) - (usage: 7945728) - (peak: 8129120) 
Requested deactivated module MenuManager 
Debug: (4.28125) - (usage: 7945976) - (peak: 8129120) 
Requested deactivated module MenuManager 
Debug display of 'Start Load Smarty Plugin form_start/function':(4.375) - (usage: 7977832) - (peak: 8129120)
Support Guru
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Re: Requested deactivated module MenuManager

Post by calguy1000 »

Were you by chance installing from svn? using the old (now unsupported installer?) as I tested a new install from phar, and all of the default content pages, and could not reproduce this issue.
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Jean le Chauve

Re: Requested deactivated module MenuManager

Post by Jean le Chauve »

New install from phar : 2.0-beta2 “NO_NAME_SeT_9656a-Fr” (0.99.3_r119-9656a-Fr) 07/25/2014 (jce76350)
Same thing, the MenuManager is preinstalled. 6 times Requested deactivated module MenuManager in the debug log when opening the DesignManager page.
Wamp windows7 php 5.4.16


Cms Version: 2.0-beta2 NO_NAME_SeT_9656a-Fr

Installed Modules:

AdminSearch: 1.0
CMSContentManager: 1.0
CMSPrinting: 1.50
DesignManager: 1.0
FileManager: 1.5
MicroTiny: 2.0
ModuleManager: 2.0
Navigator: 1.0
News: 2.50
Search: 1.50

Config Information:

max_upload_size: 20000000
url_rewriting: none
query_var: page
auto_alias_content: true
default_encoding: utf-8
admin_encoding: utf-8
set_names: true
timezone: UTC

Php Information:

phpversion: 5.4.16
md5_function: On (Vrai)
json_function: On (Vrai)
gd_version: 2
tempnam_function: On (Vrai)
magic_quotes_runtime: Off (Faux)
E_STRICT: 2048
memory_limit: 128M
max_execution_time: 60
output_buffering: 1
safe_mode: Off (Faux)
file_uploads: On (Vrai)
post_max_size: 20M
upload_max_filesize: 20M
session_save_path: T:/Applications7/Wamp/tmp (0777)
session_use_cookies: On (Vrai)
xml_function: On (Vrai)
xmlreader_class: On (Vrai)

Server Information:

Server Api: apache2handler
Server Db Type: MySQL (mysqli)
Server Db Version: 5.6.12
Server Db Grants: Trouvé un privilège "GRANT ALL" qui semble être adapté
Server Time Diff: Aucune différence de date du système de fichiers trouvées

Support Guru
Support Guru
Posts: 8169
Joined: Tue Oct 19, 2004 6:44 pm
Location: Fernie British Columbia, Canada

Re: Requested deactivated module MenuManager

Post by calguy1000 »

Okay, I traced it down and understand it now..

1. DesignManager is trying to build it's list of types so that it can display something.
2. Each Template type has a callback that is used to translate the template type names.
3. Modules cannot translate strings if the module is not loaded
4. The callback tries to load the module, so it can translate the template type name
5. MenuManager is not active by default on new installs, but it is installed. so template types are registered, but because it's inactive the template type name cannot be translated.
the debug_buffer() thing only shows up in debug mode, so it's a very minor issue.

I will consider, after beta2 not installing MenuManager on new installs.
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Please post system information from "Extensions >> System Information" (there is a bbcode option) on all posts asking for assistance.
If you can't bother explaining your problem well, you shouldn't expect much in the way of assistance.
Jean le Chauve

Re: Requested deactivated module MenuManager

Post by Jean le Chauve »

Great, Thank you.
How can I rename the title of this post ?
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