IE Edit Content Problem

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IE Edit Content Problem

Post by SN3 »


I'm using .9.2 and for some reason when I use the "Edit Content" page in Internet Explorer, it makes the content and had tags boxes huge (thousands of pixels wide).  It looks fine in Firefox, and does not show up on any other page.  I tried looking through the CSS (which I heavily modified), but I found nothing that would cause it (to the best of my knowledge).  Does anyone know why it is doing this?

Paul M. Cohen

Re: IE Edit Content Problem

Post by Xorn725 »

First, which admin theme are you using?  Default?  Second, do you have the wysiwyg enabled, or is it just the "two textarea" interface?

If the latter, then the style information for the textarea is nested several levels deep.  For instance, using the Web Developer plugin for Firefox, I find that the full style information for the content textarea (default admin theme) is specified as:

html > body > div.content > form#contentform > div.adminform > table > tbody > tr > td > textarea.syntaxHighlight#content_en

The head tags area is the same, with the exception of the last item:

... > textarea.syntaxHighlight#headtags

This gives you several CSS elements to look at when finding the problem.  I'd start at tbody personally.  It's a bit flaky across browsers, so it's likely that IE and FF might interpret it differently.

Hope this helps!


Re: IE Edit Content Problem

Post by Paul »

Xorn725 wrote: First, which admin theme are you using?  Default?  Second, do you have the wysiwyg enabled, or is it just the "two textarea" interface?

If the latter, then the style information for the textarea is nested several levels deep.  For instance, using the Web Developer plugin for Firefox, I find that the full style information for the content textarea (default admin theme) is specified as:

html > body > div.content > form#contentform > div.adminform > table > tbody > tr > td > textarea.syntaxHighlight#content_en

The head tags area is the same, with the exception of the last item:

... > textarea.syntaxHighlight#headtags

This gives you several CSS elements to look at when finding the problem.  I'd start at tbody personally.  It's a bit flaky across browsers, so it's likely that IE and FF might interpret it differently.

Hope this helps!

1. I'm using TinyMCE for the WYSIWYG
2. I'm using the default skin but extremely modified.
3. I looked more into it and it only makes it huge when in editcontent.php?content_id=8 and editcontent.php?content_id=6, for editcontent.php?content_id=1 and editcontent.php?content_id=7 it is fine.  Could this be some weird even number problem? 

Thanks for your help!

Re: IE Edit Content Problem

Post by SN3 »

Oops, that was me.  I forgot to log in.  Sorry about that.

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