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Permission to upload images, but no files permissions

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 8:17 pm
by mecken
Hi, I have a client that has distributed the permission to write news articles to many of his members (in a newseditor group).
Now, he would like to give them permission to also include images in their news articles.
But, granting them upload permission for images also includes file management permissions with access to the file system. That would expose the file system to un-experienced people and he really do not want to do this.

I tried to find solutions in the wiki and in this forum. but found nothing how to avoid giving file management permissions but allow image upload only.

Many thanks for any hint.

Re: Permission to upload images, but no files permissions

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 11:02 am
by omnibeard
Just hit the same problem myself - anyone know the answer?

Re: Permission to upload images, but no files permissions

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 7:41 pm
by Dr.CSS
If it is the news then you can add an image field where they browse to upload images, you will have to remove the add/insert image button from tiny for them not to see all image/folders in uploads/images...