Holy CRAP! Best CMS Ever... I think! :)

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Holy CRAP! Best CMS Ever... I think! :)

Post by reviewum »

I've played with a TON of CMS scripts out there and all of them did WAY too much with a learning curve as high as the moon for me and an even higher one for my friends who would be using it to adminsiter their sites.

I just stumbled upon CMS made simple (through www.opensourcecms.com) and thought it looked promising. I tried their online demo and was really impressed, so I downloaded it.

Installation was increadibly easy!! I couldn't believe it.

I haven't played around with it much, but I had to express my initial excitement somewhere!

MAJOR KUDOS for the development of a straight forward CMS. I do a lot of hosting for friends that know enought to use a geocities type system, but not enough to do HTML / FTP. They don't need a super dynamic web site, but want the ability to make simple / easy changes to their pages.

PLEASE continue to develop this great idea. If I end up using it in production (which I really hope to do) you can expect to see some donations coming your way!

Keep up the great work!
Last edited by reviewum on Thu Dec 23, 2004 4:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Holy CRAP! Best CMS Ever... I think! :)

Post by Anonymous »

I'm amazed at how complicated most of the CMS's are (for admin and users).

99% of my customers want a website, but would like to administer it. I spend 3 hours the other night trying to explain html, ftp, servers, Macromedia, FTP again, etc. to a friend.

... they called the next day with a million questions!

Hence the search (again) for a CMS. In the past when this has happened I had to do so much module / category / etc. creation and setup that I said FORGET IT!

I can't believe how intuitive CMS made simple is! I hope the author can and will do a great job at treding the fine line of too many features / tools and too few. Personally, I really like what I've seen so far and would be happy if it stayed the way it is.

I'm currently searching in the forums for the following, but haven't found much:

• A repository of cool templates to add to mysites. I'd like to have an easy way to "import" and use other's templates. I'd love to play with all the cool templates I've seen from other users... why aren't they posted on the CMS site or in the forum for all to use?

• How to "wrap" a php script like the following into CMS:
Gallery: http://gallery.menalto.com and
punBB (another simple script that does enough without doing too much: http://www.punbb.org/

Keep up the great work everyone!
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gallery, etc

Post by calguy1000 »

in the wiki you will find details as to how to embed singapore into cmsms

as well, there is a fetchurl plugin available on the wiki that will show you how to embed most any other page into a cmsms page...

see if that helps.
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Excellent CMS -- THANK YOU

Post by xscd »

[size=16px]L[/size]ike many others, I have played with several content management systems to find one that I am comfortable with. After trying Etomite (nice, but somewhat Windows-centric, and I use Linux and FreeBSD), Mambo (WAY too much unnecessary functionality for me, and annoying in some way I can't really articulate), Xaraya (like it, but although it makes the complex fairly easy, it makes the simple very difficult) and several others, I stumbled across CMS Made Simple.

What an EXCELLENT product. Thank you Wishy for designing such a clean, coherent, understandable system, lean and mean and straightforward, with plenty of functionality and flexibility. It's just great, and absolutely perfect for a certain type of web author or webmaster.

Thank you, thank you, [size=18px]thank you![/size] :D

-Steve D, NM US
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Holy CRAP! Best CMS Ever... I think! :)

Post by Ted »

Thanks for the kind words. I'm going to start blushing. :) Though, I refuse to take all the credit. The community and other devs and contributions have really helped to shape CMSMS from a silly PHP script into the application that it's become. We still have a long way to go, and a lot to learn, but it's coming along.

Thanks again!

Holy CRAP! Best CMS Ever... I think! :)

Post by reviewum »

Hey wishy,

How do you determine what to add and not add to this project? I know your goal is to keep this script simple, but I'm sure you get a ton of feature requests. As I mentioned above (as a guest) punBB's goal is to keep it simple, but all the time there are people pushing for more features.

Hey, if people want more and more features, then go to xoops, phpnuke, mambo, typo3, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc......

I really like the core functionality you've got here. Just keep working on what you've got and keep it simple with good documentation.
Last edited by reviewum on Thu Dec 23, 2004 4:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Holy CRAP! Best CMS Ever... I think! :)

Post by Ted »

Basically, I feel we've gotten the core functionality close to finished (at least with 0.8). After 0.8 comes out, a lot of my development concentration is going to go into modules, plugins and new content types. I'd rather extend what we have outside of the core so that it doesn't get any more complicated than necessary. I've basically gotten to the point now when people ask for new functionality, I tell them to make a module, and if the API hooks don't exist to accomplish what they want, I'll put them in. :)

After 0.8, I think there is going to be an overhaul of the module API, and then docs. There could be a 1.0 on the horizon after all...

Holy CRAP! Best CMS Ever... I think! :)

Post by reviewum »

Wishy (BTW, I love your avatar! Family Guy ROCKS!)

I think that's a great idea, keep the core functionality the way it is (with the bug fixes / updates) and make everything else a plugin or module.

On your main page you state, "a simple and effective way of managing content of primarily static sites"... this is what sold me!

I'm wondering, do you have any idea of what percentage of the installations of CMS are for a single user website? You know, where there is one main user that updates the page relatively infrequently vs. multi users updating often?

I've said it before and I'll say it again... I can't find ANYTHING (prior to now) that resembles geocities, etc. for simple website creation that is under the GPL. If you need more, then install a module or go get xoops, phpnuke, mambo, etc.

KISS! (do you know what that means?)

BTW, I'm going to start dowloading and storing old versions of CMS just in case you apostatize from your true goal of "simple and effective" so I'll always have something great to use!
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