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Bug of MenuManager output in the frontend when using ®

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 8:59 pm
by Augustas
In my opinion MenuManager should not convert text into HTML entities.
line: 219, file: /modules/menumanager/MenuManager.module.php

I think this decision should be left for the content editor, or there should be a possibility to switch of this option.

Here is the trouble I am having with it:

I need to add a "registered trademark" ® sign in the "Menu Text" / $node->menutext .
Moreover, I want this sign to be displayed as html entity: ®

If in ADMIN I enter:
Menu Text: Text ®
The frontend output is "Text ®"
View html source - "Text ®" / it converts "&"

If I enter:
Menu Text: Text ®
The frontend output is "Text ®"
View html source - "Text ®"

Currently I solved this problem by using {$node->menutext|regex_replace:"/®/":"®"}
in the menu template.

If MenuManager would use proper php "htmlentities" function, maybe it would be a better solution than to use "my_htmlentities" from CMS.

I am using the newest CMSMS v1.2, MenuManager v1.5

Re: Bug of MenuManager output in the frontend when using ®

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 9:42 pm
Augustas wrote: In my opinion MenuManager should not convert text into HTML entities.
line: 219, file: /modules/menumanager/MenuManager.module.php
I think this decision should be left for the content editor, or there should be a possibility to switch of this option.
I agree. I have a similar problem with MenuManager and some CMSMS tags:,17264.0.html