Creating Templates

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Creating Templates

Post by MV »

Where is the default template files located at? If I know where the files are located, I can use them as a guide to create my own template. Which files are needed and/or needed to be mortified. I hate to keep having to compare this to e107, but in e107, it has a directory for the templates in their own folder. I can’t seem to find anything similar.

And if someone could be kind enough to help me get started in creating my own template, it would be much appreciated. I don’t mean a long how-to this and that and how-to create a layout. Just something brief, i.e. specs for the .psd layout to make it easier to port over and how to port the layout over. What files to edit/create etc.

I hope I’m not asking too much, especially not being registered. I just hate having to register and logging in. My site will not have it as a requirement and I hope this site doesn’t change to a membership system. :)

Creating Templates

Post by MV »

Nevermind about the location of the files. Just found out it's in the Admin section. :lol:

But I still would like to know how to keep track of the layout images and where to place them.

Creating Templates

Post by Bewbs »

you could create subfolders within the main images directory.


Creating Templates

Post by MV »

Where's the codes for the admin template page? The codes used for this site?
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