Server/Software Upgrades

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Re: Server/Software Upgrades

Post by Wishbone »

What I've done on my kart club's forum (also phpbb3) to combat spammer registrations is to define a custom profile field asking "How many wheels does your kart have?", set the field to numeric and set the acceptable range to be between 4 and 4, and make it a required field when registering. I had to set the field to not display, so that it doesn't say it under your avatar. :)

I changed the 'lang' variable that displays the error message: "The value of %s should be between %d and %d" to "The value of '%s' is wrong." so that bots wouldn't be given a clue as what to put.

Not the largest forum, but we went from 40 attempted spammer registrations a day to 1 or 2 per year.

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Conversion error [Re: Server/Software Upgrades]

Post by fredp »

I was looking through my old posts and I noticed that one didn't make it through the BB software conversion process 100% intact: Re: [V1.6.5.] Internal Link with Design - display of html-code.

Looks like some of the BBCode formatting is wrong and some text is missing. IIRC, what now reads as "-style" originally read something like "<a href>-style". If someone still has access to the old BB system, perhaps they would, at their convenience, retrieve the original post and fix this?

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- Abraham Lincoln
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