Some questions about subnavbar & valid print

For questions and problems with the CMS core. This board is NOT for any 3rd party modules, addons, PHP scripts or anything NOT distributed with the CMS made simple package itself.

Some questions about subnavbar & valid print

Post by gnolen »

Hi there!

First of all - GREAT STUFF!!!!

I have tried a lot of CMS out there and this one is totally great! Not messy, easy to config, fine plugin/module admin and more and more!  From now on all my new clints will run on CMSMS! I am amazed why not this CMS is not more talked of!

But I have some questins though:

If I want to have a navlist(bullet list) with just the 2nd level on every page(based on which main button I have choosen), is there a function for this? Otherwise I have to make one. Example: If I have a horizonal navbar - | 1. | 2. | 3. | 4. | and when I pressv | 1. |  I want the submeny | 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | to be in a new hor. navbar under the main navbar. (example: )

I could do this by treating a new template for every mainpage but I would prefer not to.

Validating the print-link? It's now not valid because of the url. I saw some solition with a hack in funtion.print.php but I can't find it anywhere...Anyone that knows?

A more fun question. I would be glad to know the origin of CMSmadesimple and a bit of history behind it. How young is it, who, when, what and so on..Just fun to know when working with it!

Thankful for any answer or idees.

Greetings from Gnolen
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Re: Some questions about subnavbar & valid print

Post by Ted »

Try out the Ell-Nav module.  I think with a little CSS styling, it'll do exactly what you want

Grab ... .print.php and put it into your plugins dir

Story time!  Basically, the Boss Ogg project was winding down and I was looking for something to do.  One little project I was going to take on was setting up a CMS for the MPD project and I went through the process that everyone goes through of trying out CMSs...    needless to say, all of them were way overkill.  So, I decided to write my own.  It was perfect, as I was looking for a new project to work on anyway.  Needless to say, it's the most successful OSS project i've worked on, so I'm very happy with it.

SVN Revision #1 was Thu Jun 10 22:51:12 2004 UTC, and that is the project's birthday as far as I'm concerned.  The original 3 people working on it were me, heavy and mudfly did the original graphics and logo.

Re: Some questions about subnavbar & valid print

Post by gnolen »

Damn! Is it so young! And you made it so far! Great work! I learning more and more and getting happier and happier!

Ofcourse I could use the Ell-Nav! Should have read the help better..Thank!

/ gnolen

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